as i understand, you are saying a bard could help the party more as a spellsinger than a warchanter, and perhaps imply some bard should go for spellsinger
- when the bards consider between warchanter and spellsinger, they will concern raid quests like ToD, VoD, Hound, Shroud etc. rather than new invasion. and in these quests, most party members are melees. so it is unrealistic to expect most bard to be spellsinger that could help us to improve our DC. Notice that I do wish more bards to become spellsingers, however.
In my post I did point out I was speaking only of quests. I disagree with your statement about party makeup outside of raids.
- you tried to give damage figures to support your argument. but I think the figures are not fair, e.g. you calculate the caster damage including crit hit, but for melee you assume every swing is non-crit, you used a "max potential damage" (i.e. the 2400 number) that will never realize (because of factors that i have mentioned in the previous post) for casters but you don't use a "max potential damage" for melees saying they have to run to the target. What if I say when they run to the target, every swing will hit, but the polar ray may miss because a target is suddenly got killed? you won't feel the argument is fair.
That's true and good point but it was only 2 points and they crit so infrequently (did I just write that...boy, am I gonna get flamed). This might speed things up minutely for them but still my point is valid I believe. As for the caster, you really have to take that into consideration being its like 20% more damage.
- "The 2 melee in the party would need hit 2400 times. Hitting once a second i", not only it omitted the factor of critical hit, you also understate the number of hits per second. The exactly calculation is more complex than I can explain. Take the highest figure from the cforce's Compleat Attack Speed Index thread (for mod 8), a BAB 16 unarmed guy could produce 90 + 90 attacks per minute, i.e. 3 attacks per second. This figure has not included haste and other speed boost effects. (and i'm not sure if special attacks like sneak attack or glancing blow will be benefited from bard songs or not) And in case you don't know, the bard song add damage to every attack.
Its really impossible to determine actual DPS over say a 5 - 10 minute period. So many things are happening. They move attack, have their target fingers just before they kill it, then they move to next target, maybe get tripped by air elemental, get up, watch the air elemental get destructed, move to earth elemental, hit again some more, then watch him disappear with a finger attack.... you get the picture. So, I just guessed.
- "how many minutes of actual melee fighting time is actually spent here? I would say it may be as low as 5 minutes." - i seldom run with melee and indeed i think melee doesn't contribute too much in New Invasion so I can't tell. And you have used this assumed figure to support your argument.
- what if a bard joined a 3 melees + 1 caster + 1 cleric + 1 bard new invasion group?
I would quit the group out of disgust.
re. support rule, i don't know what is a support role. New Invasion is unlike Genesis Point or Bastion that has enough rest shrines. After started the quest, there are 2 and a half floors to run and fight before you reach the second rest shrine at 3/F. Max'd nor Emp'd Polar Ray costs 57 spell point for me, with your 3500+400(bauble) mana, I can shoot for 68 times. Assume your spell hit for every time (it's doable), how many mobs you can kill? or are you saying you keep DD and ask the whole party to wait for you to get mana back? or you convince to whole party to go stealth? I am interested to know how you lead the party and manage your mana in New Invasion when in a full party.
it is as simple as, when there is a caster, or consider the bard himself is a caster, spellsinger would benefit the party. The question is, whether warchanter or spellsinger contribute more.