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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default What does the BindInterface option in the UserPreferences do?

    I'm trying to understand the Net section of the UserPreferences.ini, and I haven't been able to find very much information about it. This is what it has listed by default:


    I've been unable to find any information on, or determine anything about the BindInterface option.

    My understanding of the ComputeUniquePort is that if this option is False, DDO picks a port from 9000~9013 to run on, whereas if it's True, it will pick a port outside of that range. It also seems that this behavior is overridden if a UserSpecifiedPort is specified. Is this a fairly accurate explanation of this option?

    The ConnectionSpeed seems self-explanatory, and I don't anticipate needing to use this option.

    The UserSpecifiedPort makes one facet of the game run on that port. When I use this option, yes, I do see game traffic on the UserSpecifiedPort. I also see traffic on TCP ports 80 and 443, and UDP traffic on port 2900~2913. The TCP traffic I can understand, but the UDP traffic seems a bit odd.

    I'd like to have a better understanding of these options in general, but I'm most curious about what the BindInterface is, what it does, and what values it can take. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Founder Gorby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    No clue whatthe bindinterface flag is for is or why you are intersted in this

    My best guess on the UDP traffic is that the protocol is utilized for the built-in voice chat (gamespy service and servers?).

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Ah, thank you! Looks like the 29xx traffic is both voice and regular chat. I was rather surprised by that; I wasn't expecting them to be integrated.

    Without getting into it too deeply, I'm trying to bypass a restrictive firewall and am wondering if this flag could be useful. I've spoken to the Network Admin, who basically said that playing DDO is allowed but unsupported.

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