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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default WF support character

    I'm enthralled with WF and my preferred play style is healer / support. My question is simple: what do you all think is the best class or class combo for a character that's sole goal is to support a group of WF?

    Straight force spec'd Sorceror? A (much-maligned and horribly inefficient) Bard (6) / Sorceror (14) combo for Warchanter + Reconstruct?

    As you can tell, I'm not overly concerned about super min-maxing... just an effective WF healer / buffer / + fun character to play.


    edit: Forgot to add, WF only and 28 point builds only. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Default Tough to tell

    I'd say a lot depends on what the mix of your group is, sounds like this is a static group of friends maybe?

    If you don't already have a rogue, then I may suggest a multiclass Wizard/Rogue. Both classes have nice synergies with the other. INT being a prime stat for example.

    You Could start as a Rogue with high INT and put points into CON and DEX. Apply your massive amount of initial skill points into rogueish abilities.

    I'd go the next "X" levels of Wizard as you really don't have a ton of need for repairs before completing lvl 1.

    From there on out feel free to do what you want to. Just my opinion only here, but I love my WF Wiz/Rogue. He is one of the most entertaining toons I currently have in my "stable"

    Best of luck with whichever route you choose to play. Hard to go wrong with a WF IMHO.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  3. #3
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Not sure exactly how it would work out, but to improve the Sorc/Bard, go with 12 Sorc/8 Bard.

    This gives Reconstruct, and adds another step to the Bard Song.

    It could actually be a good support character if built for Buffing/Reconstruct.

    Prob not a lot into Cha, built like most Warchanters are, to primarily buff/melee.


    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 8
    Wis 6
    Cha 12

    Eat a +1 dex tome along the way for ITWF/GTWF, go with only buffs/healing or no save spells (scorching ray/WoF).

    Should give Mass Repair Light and Reconstruct, a ton of buff spells and some decent direct damage spells. Combined with Warchanter, the effect should be a capable melee who can buff, and heal WF.

    The gameplay would be a bit like a Battle Cleric, which a lot of people can't pull off (myself included). That would be the most difficult part of the character, other than getting people to accept you in PUGs.

    I'll take a little closer look when I get home later today. could be a pretty sweet character. (You will need a ton of Divine Power clickies for this character to reach full potential.)
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Not sure exactly how it would work out, but to improve the Sorc/Bard, go with 12 Sorc/8 Bard.

    This gives Reconstruct, and adds another step to the Bard Song.

    It could actually be a good support character if built for Buffing/Reconstruct.

    Prob not a lot into Cha, built like most Warchanters are, to primarily buff/melee.


    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 8
    Wis 6
    Cha 12

    Eat a +1 dex tome along the way for ITWF/GTWF, go with only buffs/healing or no save spells (scorching ray/WoF).

    Should give Mass Repair Light and Reconstruct, a ton of buff spells and some decent direct damage spells. Combined with Warchanter, the effect should be a capable melee who can buff, and heal WF.

    The gameplay would be a bit like a Battle Cleric, which a lot of people can't pull off (myself included). That would be the most difficult part of the character, other than getting people to accept you in PUGs.

    I'll take a little closer look when I get home later today. could be a pretty sweet character. (You will need a ton of Divine Power clickies for this character to reach full potential.)
    In what order would you structure the class levels? Bard 1st for the skills I assume, but what about after that?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    I'd say a lot depends on what the mix of your group is, sounds like this is a static group of friends maybe?

    If you don't already have a rogue, then I may suggest a multiclass Wizard/Rogue. Both classes have nice synergies with the other. INT being a prime stat for example.

    You Could start as a Rogue with high INT and put points into CON and DEX. Apply your massive amount of initial skill points into rogueish abilities.

    I'd go the next "X" levels of Wizard as you really don't have a ton of need for repairs before completing lvl 1.

    From there on out feel free to do what you want to. Just my opinion only here, but I love my WF Wiz/Rogue. He is one of the most entertaining toons I currently have in my "stable"

    Best of luck with whichever route you choose to play. Hard to go wrong with a WF IMHO.
    I had thought about this, too. Seems like there is some synergy there and it would be an interesting character to play. Do you think that 2 levels of rogue would be sufficient to cover "skill monkey" (traps + locks) through most of the content in the game?

  6. #6
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    Heck, I would not be scared to make em just a plane old Cleric-but if you are looking at solely working with a WF group-I would concentrate on Sorc/Bard and max out your UMD. Then you could just UMD Cleric stuff that you can’t cast via Bard or Sorc. Max out your repair/force enhancements and scroll enhancements (I will assume there is another nuker in the group).

    Sounds like something fun to make. Wish I had a group of WF to try it with.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellllboy View Post
    Heck, I would not be scared to make em just a plane old Cleric-but if you are looking at solely working with a WF group-I would concentrate on Sorc/Bard and max out your UMD. Then you could just UMD Cleric stuff that you can’t cast via Bard or Sorc. Max out your repair/force enhancements and scroll enhancements (I will assume there is another nuker in the group).

    Sounds like something fun to make. Wish I had a group of WF to try it with.
    Essentially I'm going to try to put together an all (or at least mostly) WF guild of casual players so that it will be easy to find other WF to group with. Guild name is Reconstructed and the server is Cannith. Just me and a buddy of mine at the moment, but we'll see how it goes. Wish us luck. =)

  8. #8
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Default Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Xykal View Post
    I had thought about this, too. Seems like there is some synergy there and it would be an interesting character to play. Do you think that 2 levels of rogue would be sufficient to cover "skill monkey" (traps + locks) through most of the content in the game?
    As of combined level 16, 14 wiz/ 2 rogue, the only trap box I can't get is on Cabal Elite as I simply don't have a high enough spot. I have managed traps in the new content without issue and run this guy through VoD as well.

    You have to obviously bump points every level into the rogue skills, but I also left room for UMD so I can utilize any nice RR weapons that I manage to come across.

    The evasion is nice, as well as Insightful Reflexes Feat which applies your INT modifier into your Reflex save.

    Your DCs will obviously be off from a pure caster, but if you are looking to be more of a Force spec "healer" then you will be fine. You can buff them, haste them, and repair them without issue. Hell, you can throw in some nice backstab damage to add into the carnage if you want
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

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