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  1. #1
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Default Eladrin: Questions about transmuting handwraps?

    Eladrin could you address these questions please (actually if you even only answered the first one I would be very happy):

    1) Since monks attacks are considered good would wearing transmuting handwraps by-pass Harry's DR?

    2) Are there any "regular" transmuting handwraps in ANY loot tables?

    3) (related to 2) are transmuting handwraps considered a special item, and why?

    4) (only tangentially related to transmuting handwraps) I agree that a well built monk using handwraps is super powerful for quests, but they are very ineffective against the raid bosses like Harry and Sulu. Do you agree? And if so, are monks basically forced to craft GS kamas (personally I dislike Kamas and would be loath to grind the shroud that much to craft 2 min2s)

    I play a lot and I just got my first monk to lvl20 and I have never seen nor heard of anyone pulling transmuting handwraps, the only mention I have hear are the non-existant named ones that were supposed to be in weapons shipment. Are transmuting handwraps supposed to be a super rare drop?

    I love my monks but running the shroud on anything but normal means that I am simply along for the ride compared to any other melee class. The real irony is that the rings that are supposed to be good for monks are only available via a raid where you aren't really effective. T

    PS does anyone know if at lvl20 being an outsider prevents banishment in "The devil you know"?

  2. #2
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    1) Monk attacks aren't considered Good. Hopefully a Holy Burst Ring + Transmuting Handwraps will work together in the future to bypass that DR, and hopefully some named handwraps or something might drop that can be used for that before level 20 and grinding ToD raids.

    2) No.

    3) Huh?

    4) For now, if you want. I get by fine without them and using Anarchic Burst of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane, and just suck up the 15 DR. Sucks, but I'm not making GS Kamas because of it.
    Last edited by rimble; 10-05-2009 at 01:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Monk attacks (if unarmed) are lawful, magic, and adamantine. Good isn't one of them.

    Yes, transmuting handwraps are ingame, just EXCEEDINGLY rare. Seriously. It's stupid how rare they are.

    No, transmuting is just a regular property. But for some reason the random generator only seems to apply it to handwraps once every one million rolls :/ There is, however, a named transmuting handwrap that was *supposed* to be added ingame with DDO:EU release. Eladrin has stated it was an oversight that it was left out, and will be added next mod, along with further handwrap abilities such as "of good", "metalline", etc.

    As for your last comment, again, this will change next mod. Metalline of weighted or metalline of greater ___ bane will be highly sought after, I'd imagine, with twin rings with bursting effects (flaming and holy I'd imagine).

  4. #4
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    I ran stormcleave on normal the other day, and for an end reward I had my choice of a transmuting falchion, transmuting greatsword, and transmuting longsword.... but I have never seen transmuting handwraps :\

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Yes, transmuting handwraps are ingame, just EXCEEDINGLY rare. Seriously. It's stupid how rare they are.
    Screenshot or it didn't happen

  6. #6
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Yes, transmuting handwraps are ingame, just EXCEEDINGLY rare. Seriously.

    Eladrin commented that his post on Transmuting handwraps dropping as named loot was incorrect, as the devs decided to use a different loot table instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Metalline of weighted or metalline of greater ___ bane will be highly sought after, I'd imagine, with twin rings with bursting effects (flaming and holy I'd imagine).
    Probably not Flaming rings... there are too many enemies immune or resistant to fire in high level content. Shocking is more likely.

    I was incorrect when I said that Transmuting handwraps are not present in the game.
    Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 10-06-2009 at 12:58 AM.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  7. #7
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    3) Huh?
    mostly I am just wondering if transumting on a handwrap is considered to be the equivalent to an epic regular weapon ie. vorpal, banishing, etc...

    yeah, seems as though handwraps in general are a rare drop. Unlike every kind of armor or shield known. If we could only have the drop rate of bastard swords, that would be awesome. I really don't understand why transmuting has such a low drop rate, I've never even seen them for trade on the forums or on the AH. You know, I don't think I've seen anyone post that they have them. I saw one post from someone who said they knew someone with them.

    So anyone have a pair? just curious. I guess since they won't bypass Harry's DR it really doesn't matter all that much right now...

  8. #8
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post

    Eladrin commented that his post on Transmuting handwraps dropping as named loot was incorrect, as the devs decided to use a different loot table instead.
    Yeah, I wonder if I missinterpreted that comment by Eladrin too. I was thinking that since transmuting was coded onto a pair of named handwraps that any issues had been resolved and that they were now in the loot tables, even though the named wraps aren't in the game yet. Seems like that was an incorrect assumption....

  9. #9
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    Screenshot or it didn't happen
    Lol. Yeah, well, let me roll back time and take a screenshot of the one I saw on the AH on Khyber about a month ago for 2mil plat :/
    Otherwise, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post

    Eladrin commented that his post on Transmuting handwraps dropping as named loot was incorrect, as the devs decided to use a different loot table instead.
    Right, that was for that one named transmuting handwrap, which was *supposed* to be placed ingame as a quest end-reward.
    I'm talking about typical, run of the mill, +1 transmuting handwraps. I've only ever seen that one pair (on the AH), and didn't snag them, so god knows if they even work properly (probably not ), but I can confirm transmuting handwraps exist.
    Have a look through Eladrin's posts as well. He hasn't come right out and said they do, but he's very obviously hinted that's the case.

  10. #10
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NXPlasmid View Post
    yeah, seems as though handwraps in general are a rare drop. Unlike every kind of armor or shield known. If we could only have the drop rate of bastard swords, that would be awesome. I really don't understand why transmuting has such a low drop rate, I've never even seen them for trade on the forums or on the AH. You know, I don't think I've seen anyone post that they have them. I saw one post from someone who said they knew someone with them.
    Yep, my point exactly. The drop rate is absolutely stupid.
    And to my knowledge, no dev has commented on this either and whether or not the drop rate is "working as intended".

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by NXPlasmid View Post
    yeah, seems as though handwraps in general are a rare drop. Unlike every kind of armor or shield known. If we could only have the drop rate of bastard swords, that would be awesome.
    Haha, what? You're a monk. Every time you finish a quest, there's a list of 2-5 Handwraps for you to choose from.

  12. #12
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Haha, what? You're a monk. Every time you finish a quest, there's a list of 2-5 Handwraps for you to choose from.
    I wish, mostly get outfits, kamas and staves.

  13. #13
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Haha, what? You're a monk. Every time you finish a quest, there's a list of 2-5 Handwraps for you to choose from.
    Well my pure monk must actually be a fighter because often times I might get one or two handwraps with 5 types of armor, or other weapons, or items of course. I ran my second monk up to lvl 11 and never pulled a single pair of holy anything handwraps... bad luck, or bad loot tables? Ran my 20th hound, no tumbleweed, no tomes, had leviks bracers (which I dont use), got leviks shield, lorriks shield and necklace, crippling shirt, breastplate of dest, took the shield it's awesome when I equip the bracers and shield my unbuffed ac drops from mid 50s to mid 30's. I did get the elightened vestments from VoD though which are most excellent.

    There are enough hard core players on these forums to have seen plenty of transmutting handwraps, even if they didn't take them, they could comment. If they are in the loot tables they aren't dropping so something is clearly wrong, or so it seems.

  14. #14
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Scroll down to his last comment re: transmuting.

    The fact that Eladrin mentions they exist, and that *even* a named one does (but didn't get implemented in a /whoops moment), should be confirmation.

  15. #15
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post

    Scroll down to his last comment re: transmuting.

    The fact that Eladrin mentions they exist, and that *even* a named one does (but didn't get implemented in a /whoops moment), should be confirmation.
    I think it was awesome of Eladrin to address some major monk concerns in that post but if, in fact, transmuting handwraps drop, then there is a problem with the rate, unless there is some reason why transmuting would drop so infrequently. The fact that noone on the forums has a pair is rather telling to me.

    I would still like Eladrin to touch on how a monk without GS kamas would contribute to shouds part4 and part5 on either hard or elite, or anyone for that matter. I have +3 shock handwraps of GEOB, but compared to my ranger or fighter with GS or trans pure good weapons there's a huge hole...

  16. #16
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Okay, here's a juicy post by our favorite Dev:
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Better to have it here rather than cluttering the loot thread.

    I am full of shame.

    The Devout Handwraps were created and planned to go into the Wrath of the Flame quest, but a different treasure table ended up being used. I apologize for my incorrect information from before.

    I can confirm that functioning Force, Force Burst, Metalline (The enchantment formerly known as Transmuting), Maiming, Bleed, and Pure Good handwraps will drop in randomly generated treasure in Update 1, and the chance of Anarchic and Anarchic Burst handwraps being created are reduced.

    I should have double checked before saying anything. I knew we made the set, but didn't realize that it wasn't being distributed yet. I'll see when I can get them put someplace else.
    Finally... Metalline Pure Good Handwraps for everyone! (Or more accurately, those who can afford the AH.)

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  17. #17
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Well for those interested in the Tranmusing Named Wraps...

    In the Beta Release Notes, it mentions something about Necro II and New Handwraps...

    Could it be...?


  18. #18
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Yep, my thoughts exactly. Eladrin had previously mentioned the named handwraps would be available before Vale, which would place them in level 8-12ish quest range in theory. Necropolis Shadow series (tier 2) would fit. But ugh, how I hate that tier. 130951375019375 shadow creatures that ignore your AC and sap you. Oh what fun this will be!

    Was also interesting to read:
    "Randomly generated transmuting handwraps now function. Really."

    Which implies transmuting handwraps previously existed (but weren't working. What a surprise there).
    It feels so nice to be vindicated

    No mention of the various new handwrap abilities going in, though (i.e. metalline, pure good, etc, etc.). Not sure if that bodes well or not.

  19. #19
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    But ugh, how I hate that tier. 130951375019375 shadow creatures that ignore your AC and sap you. Oh what fun this will be!
    Exactly my toughts.

    Since there aren't named items from the 4 prequests it is safe to assume the named wraps will drop from the only chest that has named items in necro 2.. which is the big badass chest in shadow crypt

    So opposed to the 5 mins lootrun of the original wrath of flame now we need to run 4 crappy prequests and the main quest with the optional which is a major pain in the butt.. what an improvement.

    For some reason the first time I mentioned putting it in a new place instead of sticking to wrath of flame being a bad thing I got neg rep for it

    At least we have a workaround for the re-flagging of shadow crypt, which by certain individuals is even considered an exploit.

  20. #20
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    A holy burst tod ring does make your attacks bypass dr/good.

    See here:

    You can see that the handwraps being used are shock (greater bane) and dr is being broken on said orthon

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