First off to all the new players who are honestly trying to learn this game and have fun, welcome to Khyber my rant is not directed at you in anyway shape or form. I have met many very nice people who I am looking so forward to playing with. I have even recruited a few of you into my little guild because you made such an impression with me in General/Advice chat. The normal decent players by far outnumber the idiotsticks. I sincerely hope you are able to ignore the bull**** and stick with the game.

That being said since DDO has gone Free 2 Play I have been helping as much as my health will allow. I have spent hours in Korthos and the Harbor to the point where I have not even yet looked at the new content. For my efforts I have been called every name in the book and some words I had never even considered pairing together. All this just for answering questions!! Add to it the veteran players who seem to get a kick out of griefing new players, when they get called on it also act like children calling me everything they can think of and then some. If any of my kids even remotely acted the way several of these players are I would have kicked some serious butt and they would definitely know they had made a mistake.

I was called childish, immature and told to grow up because I corrected someone in general chat for telling new players on korthos to /death to see how many times they have died. This same player than told me he had been playing DDO for 5 years (ya right learn to count) and couldn't wait to get to lvl 8 so he could leave all these useless players behind. Come on people /death is funny in group with players who have been around a bit but it's extremely cruel to a new player who has only been in game for a few hours. This player stated he was doing them a favor by showing them how mean people were in the game and that they should learn now instead of later. What a way to make them feel welcomed and to help retain players. Sure lets insult them and take advantage of new players because they are worthless and need to be driven away. Bull. And it wasn't just this one vet it is happening over and over and over again. I guess since they can hide behind a new characters name they figured they can do whatever the f* they want.

Oh and who gives a sh*t if someone's spelling/grammar is incorrect. There are language barriers in some cases these players are doing their best they do not need to be insulted. Or how about those with Dyslexia and other learning disabilities. They are not stupid and they are trying their best. Heck even I myself have been guilty of making several errors and not rereading before I hit enter. It happens. Players are constantly being teased and picked on for friggin spelling mistakes. That is so wrong. Stop being so anal for crying out loud and let others just enjoy the game without being policed for their english skills.

We now have new players who are giving bad advice in channel. When they are corrected on it start slinging insults etc. Sheesh I wasn't trying to bruise your egos only to make sure the player asking the question received the correct information. Trust me if I had wanted to personally attack you I would have done a **** good job of it. I don't care what the players handbook says this is DDO it is based on pnp but does not follow it to the letter far from it.

Oh btw I know it is just a game but my idea of a game does not include insults and rude behaviour. The squelch list is only so big. DDO saved my life and sanity when I was in a very bad place in my life. For that I will always be grateful. I have tried my best over the years to give back to the game by helping others. As a result I am very passionate about this game. It helped give me my life back. I used to hope the community wouldn't change after it went F2P.. I still do but that hope is wearing rather thin.

I know many of you will tell me to ignore it, to let it roll off my back, to not take it seriously and to a large extent I do but I am not talking here about one or two incidences but literally hundreds and believe it or not it is worse now than it was the first week after launch. It seems the real nasties have now decided to give DDO a try. The first few weeks most of the players were people who were honestly curious about the game. This recent group of players must be spawned straight from hell.

Ya I know shut up and just ignore it. Well too bad. I believe I have earned the right to rant a little bit. I don't need to be calm and level headed all the time. I am also human and have the right to spout off when I feel the need to. Besides this is Khyber and it's about friggin time I added to the drama don't you think?

BTW I will be taking a break for a few days from general chat and advice channel before I really do bite someone's head off and spit them out into little pieces. I know when I have reached my limit and it has been reached. I'll be helping in help channel but that's it for a while until my sanity returns.

I'm going to head out now and scream all those words that George Carlin once said could not be repeated on TV. I have a feeling it will make me feel much better.
