Let me say that I agree and also think it sucks that ranged combat is not more accepted. With that in mind, what happens if ranged combat is improved?
I am just curious, but there are discussions I am reading about bow ROF and increasing it or the damage.
I was wondering what sort of real DDO example someone could cite that they were looking at the difference for.
To be more specific, at, quest level, would you say the ranged in Delera's was ineffective on normal (where there are nothing but ranged archers nailing people and you try to run past)?
At what point would it be effective? When there are many archers, and their ROF increases to the point that an unprotected arcane (just an example) can be shot down in less than ten seconds, what happens to the rest of the party?
Personally more class specific ranged options like the Arcane Archer would do wonders for ranged (poisons, web effects, things like that), but then I do not know how 'allowed' that sort of thing is these days (I always thought Rangers were a mix of fighter and wizard more so than cleric - but that was just me).