Litany works for LG characters without penalty?
Litany works for LG characters without penalty?
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
If u plan all ur stats odd without Littany, the benefits will overcome the neg lvl.
It gives -1 to saves, -10 hps and, -1 attack I believe, but if using the littany makes ur con even again, then u net 10 hps, dont lose any attack bonus or saves. You gain str dmg if ur str was odd, on top of the +1 profane attack and dmg.
Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell
Ultimega: Paladin 20
Str: 16
Dex: 8
Con: 16
Int: 8
Wis: 6
Cha: 16
Str: 18 (+5 lvl, +7 item, +3 exceptional, +4 tome, +3 abashai set = 40 unbuffed/ +1 bladesworn, +6 Choker, +2 Yugo pot, +6 Titans grip +4 madstone +2 rage +2 Ship buff = 63 maxed/ 67 with past life barb rage)
Dex: 8
Con: 14 (+6 item, +3 exceptional, +4 tome +1 littany = 28 / +8 madstone, +6 chocker +2 rage +2 yugo pot +2 Ship buff= 48 maxed / 52 with past life barb rage)
Int: 8
Wis: 6
Cha: 16 (+7 item, +1 exceptional, +4 tome, +1 Littany +1 enchancement 2 yugo pot+2 Ship buff= 34
Extend (or Past life Feat Barb)
Power Attack
Imp Crit slash
Weapons of Good
Follower of the Lord of the Blade
Bladesworn Transformation
Courage of Good II
Divine Sacrifice III
Exalted Smite IV
Extra Smite Evil IV
Extra Loh III
Racial Toughness II
Energy of the Templar II
Charisma I
Paladin Toughness II
Divine Might IV
Healers Friend I
WF Power Attack III
4d6 Dmg vs EO (KoTC Enhancment) *
3d6 Dmg vs EO (KoTC ToD Set) *
3d6 Dmg vs EO/EU (Pally Capstone: 2d6 holy vs EO EU + 1d6 light vs all Evil *
9d6 Light Dmg vs Everything (Divine Sacrifice/ 10% chance to double with zeal for 18d6) Cool down 3 secs.
* = 100% proc on glancing blows
+8 Sacred Dmg (Divine Might IV)
+3 Dmg/Atk (Divine Favor)
+4 Profane Dmg (Bladesworn Transformation)
12 Smite Evil uses (2 sec cooldown, regen every 90s)
13 Divine Might uses or 12 Uses of Censure Demon (Stuns enemy EO dc 40 will save)
Zeal +10% Double Strike (Can double smite crit for 2x900+)
Smite Crit on a 13-20 for x5 with Epic SoS for over 900 base dmg buffed up
Sacrifice crit on a 15-20 for x4 with Epic SoS for around 400 buffed up
Decent saves
WF/Pally Immunities
622~ Hps unbuffed, can get higher with tomes enhancments (over 800~ raged out, 900+ possible but very situational)
650~ Sps, more than enough for self buffs
LoH: 300 hp heals x 4 uses
11 ranks +12 cha mod, +5 umd item, +4 gh, +2 luck, +6 greensteel item =
40UMD; No fail reconstruct scrolls.
I tried converting this build to Half Orc but it's NOT worth it.
There is just not enough APs to fit in all the good Half Orc enhancements and keep all the Pally dmg enhancements.
You would lose out on:
Divine Might IV +8 dmg (2 more dmg than tier III)
Pally Capstone (1or3d6 vs E or EO)
Tier III KOTC (2d6 vs EO more than Tier II)
Divine Sacrafice III (9d6 Light dmg vs all, 2d6 more than Tier II)
Extra LoH Tier III
Bladesworn Transformation (+4 str and +4 dmg)
+2 con starting
So you'd just gain +4 str, +4 dmg
+ better incoming heals
Last edited by Stamp3de; 02-06-2011 at 10:41 AM.
Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell
what kind of weapon you use?
Hey, planning to tr my paly into this build, one question, after update 5 you still think the thf line is worthy? or can we switch some or all the line for other stuff?
I still think the THF is worthy. Max dps is max dps.
Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell
For what it's worth, I have a decently geared TWF pali (2x epic Chaos Blades, etc.) and the DPS seems very high on that build as well.
Part of Ulti's perspective may be that he is one of the best players on our server, run with him and you'll see, and has a ton of experince with the subtle nuances of THF that make the difference.
If we assume player skill to be constant for both styles, the changes in U5 hit THF paladins harder than TWF due to the glancing blow changes. Ulti have you tested both styles again after the current update? I'd be interested in your numbers, similar to the testing you did early on in your Sins solo runs.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
I dusted my THF off the other day and was trying to understand the THF mechanics a bit more.
A question about glancing blows since you seem to have run a pali with THF for quite some time now.
I did some testing in the devil battlefield today because I saw this number breakdown and it was not what I was seeing. Here is what I did and the results I see.
(I have Greater Two Handed Fighting feat and this is a human KotC 17 Pal / 2 Rogue)
Buff. Run somewhere and gather 2-4 orthons and/or devils in a group. Target one. stand still and swing. At various times I used a Holy GS of Greater Undead bane, a metalline of evil outsider bane GS and also used a Min I (not yet third tiered) Great Axe which was Acid/good burst. KotC 2 at the moment.
I would hit the main target with Weapon Damage + Holy + KotC. I would get quite a lot of glancing blows probably 30% or so on the foes I am not targeting. However they would only get the reduced Weapon damage + KotC damage. I NEVER saw holy proc (or acid/good or greater bane as the case may be)
Are the weapon effects supposed to proc on glancing blows? I read the feat description to mean it was supposed to. I am not really happy with GTHF damage potential if this is the case.
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
I've noticed the exact same thing on my dwarf THF (all 3 feats) Barbarian... I'm currently using a Min II Greataxe. On Glancing Blows the only damage I get is the reduced main weapon damage and frenzy/death frenzy damage. The weapon effects NEVER proc on glancing Blows.
On a side note a vorpal two-handed weapon and supreme cleave (hits ALL mobs within your weapon radius) work rather nicely on quests like sins of attrition where you are constantly surrounded by a lot of high hit point mobs.
Its not very high:
Here's some numbers from my testing and my experiences so far. (Take note that these numbers are nowhere near 100% accurate, and may differe quite a lot from what I've said here)
Kensai / FB rank: 5% each rank
THF lines: 2% each feat
Capstone: 5%
WF Great Weapon Aptitude: 2% each rank
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
I know that cleave and supreme cleave are on seperate timers... I would assume great cleave is on a seperate timer as well.
That being said, because the animation breaks up your attack chain and is actually fairly slow using cleave seems to be only useful for spamming weapon effects like banishment, disruption, vorpal etc.
Also Cleave and Great Cleave only efffect a certain amount of mobs in your range (I forget the numbers) whereas supreme cleave effects ALL monsters within range.
Supreme Cleave is only available to Frenzied Berserkers and has the side effect of causing minor damage to you as well.
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