- Item specific search function in the auction house. ie. +2 alabastard sword of ubiquitous fantsticness as apposed to bastard sword. Often times you have to sift through 30+ pages of items as the search parameters are currently a little too wide.
- Server selection available in game @ character selection screen. Currently you have to shut down the game completely and restart to switch servers.
- Seperate control for showing player names and npc names. Personally I find showing player names creates an overly cluttered screen. I prefer to have them off, but I would like the npc names displayed. It would be great if there were seperate controls in the UI options for disableing either sperately.
- A simple way to verify the location (in game) of online friends and party members. Perhaps the friends panel could list where in game the player currently is or a mouse over on their party icon could provide this info.
- Visual representation of more items on character models. ex. A quiver on your back if one is equipped and you're using a ranged weapon; being able to actually sheathe your weapons and not have them vanish, but instead show the bow on your back or the shield, sword at your hip etc.; Show boots, gloves, cloak. ALL of the above visable on character selection screen.
- No gelatinous cubes or wyverns in game? Was sad to find out I was'nt going to watch a party member get enveloped by an ooze cube.
- When selecting spells at lvl up, the spells school is not listed, listing the school at this point could further assist in lvling choices without having to fire up ddo wiki or the like.
- A chance in game to respec ones alignment. Either by in game currency, Tpoints or better yet, a few small quest lines that would have you working toward evil or good ambitions, once completed you would be rewarded with the appropriate alignment change. Many new players (especilally those unfamiliar w/ 3.5) have little knowledge regarding the actual impact of alignment on the game mechanics. Providing the chance to respec this aspect would alliviate frustration at end game.
- Specific animations for trip, sunder etc. currently these skills are barely noticable when activated. Having specific animations/visual feedback may help to improve players use of these skills.
- Fix small bug where sometime mouse over tooltips will disappear almost instantly.
- Health bars/timers for summoned creatures. I use the hotkey cooldown as a timer for my summons but I find it frustrating that I am unaware of a summons current health with out targeting it. In the midst of battle it would be very helpful to have a small summons healthbar/info window similar to any party member or even hireling.
- Ability to see all items available to anyone in the ddo store regardless of lvl/class. Not sure why this barrier is in place. Being able to see everything at any time would allow you to better plan for the future.