I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12 years...no, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurtIt's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle here...it's disturbing.