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Thread: Just an FYI

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Just an FYI

    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.

  2. #2
    Community Member Gum's Avatar
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    Yes, it's very disturbing imo as well. The new players are a part of this games bright future, and everyone had to start out new to DDO at some point. It's an attitude I have grown to despise. Why drive away potential customers with an elitist jerk attitude when they are bringing in subscriptions to help make the game even better? I do hope you hang in there, because there are people that will be good as gold to a new player floating around on every server. One good thing to do would be post in the guild forums what your looking for, and see what kind of matches you get.
    Last edited by Gum; 10-05-2009 at 09:51 PM.
    **As the Great Emu is one with the hill, so am I with the Great Emu.**

  3. #3
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    You know what?

    I was tired of the "my guild is so special/our cliche is so special you dont belong with us...cya" too.

    I nearly chucked in the game because my not real world became like my real world i.e a nasty experience

    ...whereas there are nice ppl and guilds on argo,

    I left argo because I found there are nice ppl on other servers too, and guilds

    I found a new player/F2Player friendly guild, that are Elite/Uber/Wealth of knowledge ppl that also thrive on helping/teaching/welcoming the new. We even sponsor new players thru the quests by supplying passes. Several of those F2Prs are Subs now, and becoming awesome players too.

    If your search for acceptance comes to no avail, look me up on Sarlona and my guild Extreme Explorers.

    I warn you we are a Permadeath Guild, but this just adds way more spice to your game experience and requires more skill as a player.

    Requirements are you must:

    - enjoy playing as a team
    - enjoy clever use of tactics
    - enjoy the quests instead of blasting thru the content (and discover stuff you didnt know was there because you ran past it)
    - enjoy not dying (ever again if you are good)
    - love to learn a new and better way to quest completion
    - enjoy living on the edge and heart pumping excitement on a regular basis

    /over and out
    Last edited by Mazeratti; 10-03-2009 at 07:07 AM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MECHStorm View Post
    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.

    I know it is not of any consolation, but I've had the same experience in other MMOs. I find it somewhat puzzling people become jaded and elitist as the game matures. They enclose themselves in a "salt shaker," so to speak. They only group with a small group of their peers -- which is fine: it's their money, they can play this game as they choose. However, what's not OK is when this circle gets big enough that a big chunk of the population becomes that way and then you'll get a social panel full of "no noobs, no f2p, know the quest" LFMs. Then you'll also get the pseudo intellectual elitist LFMs that can't spell to save their lives "Delers eliete. no ur roll." Every _single_ quest in this game up to Vale quests are _easy_ enough that a newbie or two won't make or break. There's absolutely no reason to segregate based on whether a user is f2p or new player. A good leader can set the expectations from the get-go to these new players (i.e. listen to what I say, or you're gonna die a lot) and provided they're not obnoxious kids, they'll do just fine. Elitism in any game, IMO, is (whether I like it or not) part of a self-fulfilled prophecy.


  5. #5
    Community Member Heffty_Smurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MECHStorm View Post
    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.
    B O O H O O

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  6. #6
    Community Member HeavenlyCloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MECHStorm View Post
    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.
    If you are quitting Cya. If you decide to not give up, Good for you! People will be mean anywhere if you can't join a party, start your own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?

  7. #7
    Community Member JMP2's Avatar
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    Talking Welcome to DDO

    If you are looking for new player friendly guilds or people to run with look me or any of my guildies up. I started the game in 2006 and I still remember trying to learn the content. We are also allied with humorous dumazz deaths, these guys are also real good to run with. Don't judge the game by the people u do not enjoy, judge it by the ones you do. Good luck to you. hope to see you in game.
    Quote Originally Posted by MECHStorm View Post
    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.
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  8. #8
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    I would say try another server I dont know argo so cant say for good or bad, but I can tell you Thelanis is friendly as are Sarlona, Ghallanda, Khyber, and Cannith maybe trying hooking up with one of the perma death guilds for a while will suit you.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member leon00000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MECHStorm View Post
    I've been on <online games>3 games for the span of I want to say 12, more like 10--this is a great game I think, but I have to agree with the folks saying that the F2P players will be the ones to make or break this game. I've met a few rude elitist players on this server---I'm going to start looking for another game as I know there are rarely any VIP and way many f2p players--just as insurance. I"m already VIP and I hve noticed noone wants to group with players that "Don't know the quests". I suppose people are born knowing these quests... I really enjoy this game, if anyone wants to group <any time> I'm Alacran lvl 10 paladin on this server...I'm here to have fun mainly, though nice gear doesn't hurt It's a shame this game is going to the trash because some people "don't want others " to play their game...that's beyond ******** if you ask me...I was on another game...for maybe 8 years I'd like to say, it had the same problem, new players would come along and the older elitist players would quash these new people's desires to play or even log on anymore...Quit that game for this one but I'm seeing that same pathetic cycle's disturbing.
    I hate. There for I am.

    P.S. sorry about the bard ring tot.

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  10. #10
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    OP, I might suggest another server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heffty_Smurf View Post
    Hi Welcome
    My work here is complete.

  11. #11
    Community Member shinmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    OP, I might suggest another server.

    My work here is complete.

    Khyber drama queens are cute.

  12. #12
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    I would say try another server I dont know argo so cant say for good or bad, but I can tell you Thelanis is friendly as are Sarlona, Ghallanda, Khyber, and Cannith maybe trying hooking up with one of the perma death guilds for a while will suit you.
    I know Argo and it's true...we're all knobends....grumpy old men and jocks.

    Dont quit the game OP...either find another server or dont let Argo's 'elite' get to you.

    I'd stay away from Khyber, unless you like the dra....actually, Khyber might be good for you.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  13. #13
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinmade View Post
    Khyber drama queens are cute.
    You're into queens huh?

    I hear there are a lot in San Francisco. You probably already knew that though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  14. #14
    Community Member shinmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    You're into queens huh?

    I hear there are a lot in San Francisco. You probably already knew that though.

    Hi welcome

    WF drag queens don't count

    /banish to khyber

  15. #15
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinmade View Post
    Hi welcome

    WF drag queens don't count

    /banish to khyber

    :shakes head:

    Perhaps that "need a license to post on forums" idea wasn't so bad after all. That's the last time I dismiss ideas like that right off the bat.
    Last edited by Arkat; 10-05-2009 at 10:35 AM. Reason: typos
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  16. #16
    Community Member shinmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post

    :shakes head:


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