I can very safely say nothings strength score scales much in the new content. If something is webbed - it's chance of breaking out is very low on my web. As well as being able to trip everything very often on my Barbarians, regardless of difficulty, another str save.
Will saves however do scale up very obviously.
-Changed greensteel recipe for Goggles.
-Changed greensteel recipe for Bracers.
-Removed Jump as a trained skill.
-Increased ranks in Intimidate.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
-Changed layout.
-Added skill totals.
-Added hyperlinks for spells and feats.
-Added Enhancements section.
Does anyone know how to calculate the spell points for a sorcerer? I would like to include the final SP of the build in the stats.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
-Added Spell Point section.
-Added more hyperlinks.
-Clarified saving throws.
-Slight modification to page layout.
When I first posted this build, there were lots of comments on how it could be better. Since then, many modifications in the form of equipment, feats, and spells have been made. As this build currently stands, is it "solid?" Is there anything else which could be added or modified to make it better than it currently is?
Or is this the Paragon Warforged Sorcerer?
Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 10-11-2009 at 01:04 AM.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
New introduction and build explanation added.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
Do you have a 28 point build? This one requires 32![]()
Just dump 4 of the build points that went into CON. This would leave you with a starting stat spread of 8 STR/8 DEX/16 CON/14 INT/6 WIS/16 CHA.Originally Posted by fugazi70
Server - Thelanis
Modified intro.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
I'm a relatively new player and am interested in trying this build..
However I'm confused by what is meant by "ranks" when it comes to skills.
For instance, when I'm rolling the character which skills do I assign points to at level one? ..and then at level two?
"Balance 11 ranks" and "Intimidate 11 ranks" doesn't make any sense to me (from my limited knowledge of the game).
Thanks for any help!
Balance 11 ranks
-Total Balance: +20 (+4 Greater Heroism, +3 dexterity, +2 exceptional)
Concentration 23 ranks
-Total Concentration (32-Point): +46 (+4 Greater Heroism, +9 constitution, +10 competence, +3 exceptional)
Intimidate 11 ranks
-Total Intimidate: +49 (+4 Greater Heroism, +14 charisma, +15 competence, +5 exceptional)
Jump 0 ranks
-Total Jump: +39 (+4 Greater Heroism, +30 Jump, +4 strength, +1 exceptional)
Tumble 1 rank
-Total Tumble: +10 (+4 Greater Heroism, +3 dexterity, +2 exceptional)
Use Magic Device 11 ranks
-Total Use Magic Device: +37 (+4 Greater Heroism, +14 charisma, +3 competence, +5 exceptional)
At character creation, you have a certain number of skill points to spend on skills. For a warforged sorcerer, this is 8 skill points, plus 4 more skill points per 2 points of intelligence above 10 (example: with 14 intelligence, a level 1 sorcerer would have 16 skill points to spend at level 1). Each additional sorcerer level gives you 2 more skill points, plus 1 more skill point for each 2 points of intelligence beyond 10 (14 intelligence would give you a total of 4 skill points to spend each level).
Skill points are used to purcahse Ranks in skills. Each rank gives you a +1 bonus to that skill. For class skills (such as Concentration, for a sorcerer) each rank costs 1 skill point. For cross-class skills (such as Use Magic Device, Balance, and Intimidate for a sorcerer) each rank costs 2 skill points. The maximum ranks you can have at any level in any one skill is (3 + current level) for class skills and (0.5*[3 + current leve]) for cross-class skills. This is why Balance, Intimidate, and Use Magic Device have only 11 ranks at level 20 instead of 23 ranks, like Concentration.
For this build, most of this technical mumbo-jumbo is irrelevant. At character creation, put as many points into Balance, Concentration, Intimidate, and Use Magic Device as you possibly can. At level 20, instead of putting ranks into these skills, put 1 rank (2 points) into Tumble, and 1 point into Concentration. (You will have an unused skill point to put wherever you want.)
Hope that helps!
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
Potency items have no effect on the damage of prismatic spray.
It seems to behave as if it has +50% dmg all the time, regardless of whats equipped.
For crit chance, I believe it uses all enhancements, whichever is highest. I had fire maxxed and it crit very hard.. 3000+ on a double ray, 1500ish each.
-Clarified why SP regen items were included in the Optimal Gear section.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
Good build and discussion, even if the comments didn't start out in the friendliest manner...
For a newbie Sorc looking to make the initial levels as easy as possible, what would you consider decent twink gear got levels 2-6 or so? +SP effects, +crit, or just trying to get as much AC to survive? For instance, I'm assuming the eternal acid wand from WW would be a good pickup.
For levels 2-6 you don't really have a lot of options. Something which adds to Cold damage if you take Niacs for early game pwnage, or Force if you prefer Magic Missile. At level 6 you can find a +40% Potency 3 weapon, which is the same level you get Fireball--This will be your best weapon until level 8, when you get Wall of Fire. (Don't be afraid to take spells that are not on my list--my list is for what a level 20 character should have, not what you should be taking early game).
+50 SP trinket is available as a static end reward from Tangleroot (F2P players need to purchase this).
Don't bother until higher levels.
You will never, ever have a useful AC at any level with this build. Instead of boosting your AC, practice using hand/eye coordination to dodge enemy attacks. 99% of attacks can be dodged in this way with enough practice.
Not really. Although you never will run out of ammo, the poor damage per attack makes it a poor choice, even if you are out of mana. If you have the gold on another character, consider purchasing large quantities of Flame Sphere scrolls (spam these, you can have 7+ up at any one time) and Scorching Ray wands (4d6 direct fire damage).
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!