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  1. #1
    Pirate Cursed
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    Sep 2009

    Default "The Connection to the server has been lost"


    I have been playing DDO just fine for quite a while, but the internet where I am is dodgy at best. I recently lost connection while I was in a dungeon (The Sunker Sewer Quest on elite I believe). The game closed with a "the connection to the server has been lost" message. That is fine. I waited until internet came back on, and enterered DDO again. It works fine until I click on my character and the laoding into my spawn point starts. But the status bar does not move at all and several minutes later is closes the game again with the same message "the connection to the serve has been lost." But my internet is fine, it is obviously connecting through all the stages before then. What happened? And how can I fix it?

    I'm afraid it's because the game is trying to bring me back into the dungeon and can't. Is there a way of remotely changing where I spawn at without being in the game?


  2. #2
    Community Member Mybor's Avatar
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    Default You are not alone

    I am having the same issue.

  3. #3
    Community Member Quazi's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    diddo. Something is happening after the new release and is messing with or not compitable with our system now.
    Rhum Ancoke 20 sorc, Nerff 18 sorc TR,
    Dalanar 20 wiz, Rhumm Ancoke 12ftr/6rang/2monk
    Quikie Zargood 8rog/6rang/1monk,Mardi Gras 13pally
    Iwent Kablooey 11rog

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Exclamation Same Deal

    I gettin the same issue, just mine only seems to happen when entering or exiting an area, I take a quest, click on the door, goes to load, but the load br don't move, it just stops, and after a few mins just comes up lost connection to server, but yet, i got the best internet pack thru rogers, only comp in the house and im using ethernet, so there's no reason why it should be losing connection

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Same thing here

    Been only playing for about a week or two and everything was going fine, but the past few days have been really annoying. Spend 10-20 minutes trekking my happy little butt across an open area towards a quest dungeon, killing everything along the way, just to reach the dungeon and get the "Loading...please wait", with a noticeably absent loading bar, and a few minutes later a very obnoxious BLUM and a little pop up window stating "Connection to the server has been lost".
    I log back in, and my little lass is chewing cud in the local town...the one I just spent 10-20 minutes walking away from. So I head right back out and repeat the same obstacle course of enemies again, and again, and again, because it's freaking guaranteed that once I reach where I want to go, the loading bar decides to go take a smoke break.
    Luckily, the loading bar is now being nicer and disappearing right after I character select and not after 20 minutes of game play. Isn't it being sweet?

  6. #6
    Community Member Skaldrom's Avatar
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    Default Same here

    I have it on two computers, one with nforce, one with intel NIC. It works for an hour and then suddenly no connection anymore for a few days in varous stages (Login, Character display, game loading).

    This is no fun.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Aug 2009


    I still have this issue as well.

    Connection drops while mid game
    close game client
    wait for internet to come back
    log in
    select character and login

    game freezes at loading screen.

    weird thing is I can log into a new character just no the one I was playing, this is exceedingly frustrating. does anyone have a work around?

  8. #8
    Community Member dopey69's Avatar
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    Default thought it was just me

    this has been happening to me a lot the last 3 weeks or so , good for a quest or two ,say around 30 or 40 minutes then poof lost ddo client . it will happen even if i hang around the ah too long too so not quest specific.

    i even rebooted my whole os and then downloaded the game again fresh to be sure it was not on my end but still getting dropped all the time . very frustrating!

    whats up turbine ?

    i have a high end gaming rig so don't suggest ne of the usuall mabey it is on my end stuff i know it its not.
    never happens with ne other game just ddo
    i am on high speed cable
    i am running win 7 and have had no problem running this game on this comp for over a year
    I did just redownload it tho so mabey something there is corupted turbine ?

    when i think of downloading it all again I die just a little bit.
    Last edited by dopey69; 06-11-2011 at 09:16 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010


    i found the answer to the problem

    disable ipv6 in your network config settings
    Last edited by cricketol; 01-02-2014 at 09:58 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Default Thank you

    I tried this today, as I was getting fed-up with a series of constant disconnects when I was trying to quest this evening. I had a series of disconnects/reconnects. Each happened within one minute of me logging in, and even after the reconnect I had to close the client and restart it.

    My testing isn't extensive, as I'm posting this on the same day as the fix, but after disabling IPV6 I quested, without further incident, for over two hours.

    This link is for Windows 8 users

    Having looked at the information available, I think the same procedure works on Windows 7 too.

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Default Worked for me

    Quote Originally Posted by cricketol View Post
    i found the answer to the problem

    disable ipv6 in your network config settings
    I've been running DDO on this computer (Win7) for a couple of years with very few problems. Since the most recent patch/update (August 2014), every time I join a party I get kicked into a repetitive cycle of chat connect/disconnect. What I see is:
    (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been lost.
    (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been reestablished.
    (Party: You have joined a party chat room.
    listed over and over and over in the chat windows. I can hear my party for about 1-3 seconds each cycle, and each cycle takes around a minute or two. All in all, very annoying.

    I did a couple of things to try to fix this, but the only thing that worked for me was to disable IPv6 in the registry.

    Insert fancy sig here.

  12. #12
    Community Member Thumbed_Servant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aureolin View Post
    I've been running DDO on this computer (Win7) for a couple of years with very few problems. Since the most recent patch/update (August 2014), every time I join a party I get kicked into a repetitive cycle of chat connect/disconnect. What I see is:
    (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been lost.
    (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been reestablished.
    (Party: You have joined a party chat room.
    listed over and over and over in the chat windows. I can hear my party for about 1-3 seconds each cycle, and each cycle takes around a minute or two. All in all, very annoying.

    I did a couple of things to try to fix this, but the only thing that worked for me was to disable IPv6 in the registry.

    Insert fancy sig here.
    I and my friends in-game often have this trouble of the chat server disconnecting. It will happen to us as a group concurrently, and sometimes only to 1 of us at a time. We also have the periodic game disconnect. Sometimes we aren't even loading into a new zone or dungeon, just walking the toon someplace, or standing at the mailbox, etc, etc. In short, DDO has connectivity issues.

    IF the disabling of IPv6 solves the issue, it is a very poor thing that we must do. IPv6 is moving forward, more and more of the internet addresses will be IPv6. This solution shuts a part of the internet off to us; a growing part. In other words, it is not a desirable solution.

    TURBINE: Please speak up and let us see a Turbine representative on this thread; let us know you *hear us* on this; let us know you are AWARE of this as an issue; let us know you are putting resources towards SOLVING this issue.
    Last edited by Thumbed_Servant; 08-12-2014 at 01:20 AM.
    Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
    Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
    Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28

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