They're here....... I know I predicted this was coming weeks ago. Further, some of these stealth nerfs I have noticed for a while but kept quiet about. Now, however, I guess my level of frustration with the capstone issue and lack of consistency of some of the nerfs just irritates me to the point of agitation.
Charm and Flesh to stone are no longer non aggro attacks. I have evolved my techniques to take advantage of this is some situations. However, some aspects of this are just annoying. For example, in their infinite wisdom, they turn on aggro, so now when you stone a creature it auto aggros you (never mind the range). Auto aggro'd mobs immediately move to contact or attempt to attack. In the case of teleporting evil outsiders like orthons, you hve the rediculous behavior of them teleporting while stoned and firing all of their sonic missiles at you (while stoned). Its annoying, and goofy. In their exuberance to squash an intelligent attack method they implement a quick annoying fix.
Mobs now exercise some form of firewall avoidance. This behavior can sometimes lead to erratic movements by enemy mobs. However, ironically, in many cases it is quite useful. I almost prefer this behavior since it is easily exploitable.
As mentioned, these stealth nerfs are often easily sidestepped and in some cases actually make combating the enemy easier. However, I cant help wondering why Turbine feels the imperative to implement what seems (surely even to some of them) as half assed attempts at nerfing Sorcerer abilities. In the case, for example, of flesh to stone. How does this pass even the most minimal of QA testing (granted, the other nerfs require some thought to potentially exploit and could conceivably pass minimal QA).
While we are on the subject of senseless moves. Who the heck thought it was a good idea to put Titans in the devils battlefield without modifying their behavior toward enemy mobs (or at least make us equally immune)? Its like some high school kid made this decision because he thought it would be cool. Never mind that it makes no sense that enemy mobs are immune to the knockdown effects. Are we to believe all of these mobs have uber high balance? Did it not occur to someone that this would not be viewed by us as cool but rather another annoying and dumb decision. Fueling the belief that at least some of these folks are out of touch and clueless people?
I knew the nerfs would be coming (and I forsee more.... its hilarious that its easier to zerg quests now than ever before.), and they probably would not bother me except for the fact that real issues and real non functioning aspects of the game exist that have yet to be even acknowledged let alone addressed. The priorities here sit very poorly with me.
Oh btw, is there a limit to how often one can post images or did my image posting privileges get axed due to this,