DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Oh dear i missed this drama... too bad.
I have never claimed to be the creator of 'Hi Welcome' but i proudly proclaim that i stole it, used and abused it. I will continue to do so because it is fun
Hi Welcome
Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild
http://www.srtg.org.au - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir
Please visit www.handeeslargesack.com for the latest in dungeon crawling gear and troll bait!
Order now and get a free tee shirt with your choice of "Have a smurfy day!" or "I invented Hi welcome. What have you done lately?"
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
hI wElCoMe
seems to me that all of you need to go out for a nice ice cream together and then make love.
that would solve all the worlds problems......or just get a lot more people laid.
btw Argo is way better then you!!