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  1. #1
    Community Member roguespawn's Avatar
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    Apr 2009

    Default intimidate animations for tanking

    just a thought,
    but it would be really cool to add animations for activating intimidate in the game, such as shield bashing with equiped weapon to create thundering sound to attract the enemy towards you or a loud roar or sumthing, so the whole party can see you drawing them towands you.
    some games such as dungeon siege had a real cool shield bash intimidate animation.
    just a thought to add a lil exitment to tanking.
    all i play is fighter barb types so i would definatly like to see sumthing loud and intimidating.
    any thoughts on who to mention this to on tubine to be looked at for an update.
    maybe if we get enough tanks out there interested it would be looked at as an option for adding to the game.

    have a good one

  2. #2
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Please no.

    They had the animations in the game. While they looked ok they were annoying as heck. Here is why. In a game where you auto-attack constantly like EQII but then hit special attacks as they cycle up, a "taunt attack" with full animation isn't a big deal. In a game where you have to stop swinging to perform an Intimidate animation which cuts out 3-4 swings means people will just not Intimidate.

    I am not kidding, when it used to break up your attacks people refused to use it. I used it much less than I do when I can just poke it in there. It takes very little time right now and if the animation goes back in it will again make this tool that is not always of the greatest use even less useful.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  3. #3
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    play bit aorund with bluff (even if you have no points in it) and then ask yourself: do i really want that for intimi too?

    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  4. #4


    There used to be one and it was thankfully removed. If anything, Intimidate needs to be more instant (and also changed to be synergistic with DPS aggro)., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Adding the Intimidate animations back in would be just fine, as long as they don't obstruct other actions.

    It should be technically simple to play an animation that's cosmetic only, and which has no gameplay result except for the possibility of helping your party know just who is using that skill.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Or you could just growl into the mic really loud ever time you intimidate. Or just smack a hulk smash hand against the mic each time.

  7. #7
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    I remember the animations. I remember lots of people asking me what it was when Intimidate builds were rare to non-existant (at least, given the people who I talked to), and then getting lots of mixed responses. Some people liked the animation, others wondered why I wouldn't just keep blocking and spamming it since it took so long to animate anyways.

    I do miss it, though. If it did something like tumble, where it keeps your attack chain as you move around, I'd love to see the animation back. But then again, I loved it in any form. It was nice to see.
    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

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