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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Not Supported Mode

    Hi I had just installed the game, and went to play it, (chose server and clicked next)

    My screen went black and came up with Not Supported Mode

    I had the same issue with WOW, but I dont know how to change the resolution of the game from outside of the game,

    Any help would be appreciated


  2. #2
    Community Member RogueSentry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Mode not Supported on LCD TV

    I have the same problem. I am trying to play the game on my parents LCD TV which my box is hooked up to, and when the game loads after logging in the TV reports "Mode not Supported." I just need someone to tell me (as does the OP it seems) how to alter the default resolution, so when the game starts it will display in a supported resolution.

    Thanks in Advance.

    PS. This is regarding the Unlimited App. I haven't played Stormreach in a long time and I'm just trying to clarify incase there is still another app besides Unlimited.
    Last edited by RogueSentry; 10-02-2009 at 02:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member RogueSentry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Answer to my own question.

    Don't you just love it when you find the answer for yourself?

    Ok for anyone who needs the answer to "How do I set the resolution when Mode is not Supported" here's what I've found.

    Under Vista (because that's what I'm running) in your user directory (normally located in 'C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Dungeon and Dragons Online\') there is a 'UserPreferences.ini' file that can be edited directly by a text editor. I would not recommend using MS Word or any Word Processor as there is all sorts of invisible encoding that they use for formatting. If you don't have a favorite text editor then use notepad.exe.

    Edit the 'Resolution=1280x800' entry under [Display] to whatever resolution you need it to be, save it, and start the game and everything should be fine.


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