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based on your description psyco elf with thrown weapons and reasoning behind it.
no one thing is perfect.
carry a hammer, dart and surikan
take one lvl of monk because he is insightfull and must meditate on his dreams
also take one level of paladin he must be on a holy crusade to kill everything with thrown weapons.
Keep track of every creature and named you have killed with said thrown weapon in your bio.
make sure to check and see if the creature is on your list after every mob you kill
feats weapon focus thrown, whatever you need to get to improved precise shot, improved crit thrown
stats should be str14 dex18 con8 int14 wis? char? all lvl ups dex
to focus on kill count ummmmm wait till whoever is in you party pratically kills the mob then run up, intimidate and drag him away and then kill it.
wear robes- have 2 full hotbars of different looking ones and ask every party you are in you need opinion on which one looks best to them. You must look good to be great.