I have noted some posts recently concerning time card availability and people curious how to become vip players.
I sincerely believe the f2p system to be a sound move towards a sustainable future of this product however, I cannot understand the lack of retail shelf support for this game and the inability to acquire time cards even through such retailers as gamestop?! This has been a hinderance for me and my daughter for several years now since time cards have disappearred from shelves. Is this one of the examples of how Atari dropped the ball? Or just plain stupid. Todays economy can be prohibitive for some players to maintain a vip membership with online debit/credit payments because of overdraft fees etc... Time cards which may be purchased with cash allow for low impact maintenance by the consumer and easy for kids with allowances to manage their accounts too. All in all I think especially in light of the influx of new players Turbine must push for retail support. Game boxes on shelves and time cards. Currently there is not a store I know of that can even special order a game time card. This is not a logically way to ensure a games future. Look at warcrap... They are all over the place exposure is everything as is versatility Free to play is good. Time cards equal flexibility and accessibility bring it on!