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Thread: Paypal

  1. #1
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Default Paypal


    Apologies if this specific question has been covered, I've searched and can't find anything.

    I don't have a credit card. I have a debit card but its not one of the accepted types. I know that it is possible to buy stuff from the store via paypal but I cannot for the life of me figure out *how*! I can't see a link, its not an accepted payment type etc etc.

    Can someone take me through step by step how I do this please? Apologies for being a n00b, but, well... I'm a n00b. Albeit a n00b who really would like to give Turbine some money at some point fairly soon.


  2. #2
    Community Member Locksta's Avatar
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    I'm in the same boat, when trying to subscribe for VIP privileges I only have the credit card option, but wish to use paypal.
    Last edited by Locksta; 10-01-2009 at 04:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Locksta is correct

  3. #3
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    Using Paypal in the shop is easy..
    after choosing the amount of TP you wish to buy (and clicking on buy)
    you have the yellow button "Check out with Paypal" at the bottom of the next window.
    Click the button, log in into your paypal account in the next window,
    allow the payment et voila, the transaction is complete.

    It isn´t possible (yet?) however to directly pay with paypal for VIP-access.
    Only indirectly by buying game time cards for ddo from shops where you can pay with paypal.
    (you aren´t the only person who would like to pay for VIP directly via paypal; would it be posible,
    I would already have upgraded my account from Premium to VIP)
    Last edited by Arculea; 10-01-2009 at 11:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Thankyou very much indeed - I did eventually manage to find this. And I need a verified paypal account, which is going to take at least a week or so to setup. Still, I can wait that long to buy adventure packs, it'll take me that long to get out of the starter area, the rate I'm going...

    Would be better (for me) if EU debit cards were usable but I expect Turbine probably aren't allowed to make it easy for customers from another distributors area to circumvent them, which I do appreciate. I just hope Codemasters are paying attention to how much revenue they're missing out on by refusing to switch to the Free-ish 2 Play model.

  5. #5
    Customer Service Representative Victorie's Avatar
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    Please feel free to see this post about adding credit cards.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Thankyou very much indeed - I did eventually manage to find this. And I need a verified paypal account, which is going to take at least a week or so to setup. Still, I can wait that long to buy adventure packs, it'll take me that long to get out of the starter area, the rate I'm going...

    Would be better (for me) if EU debit cards were usable but I expect Turbine probably aren't allowed to make it easy for customers from another distributors area to circumvent them, which I do appreciate. I just hope Codemasters are paying attention to how much revenue they're missing out on by refusing to switch to the Free-ish 2 Play model.

    Hello all,

    I had a similar problem, which said that I had to have a verified PayPal a/c.
    How can I verify my PayPal a/c?
    I already have an existing PayPal a/c. Is it somthing to do on the PayPal website or on my DDO a/c?
    Sorry for being noobish...

    Thanks all.


  7. #7
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    You must have a banking account connected to the paypal account...
    if this is the case, you get the option to verify your account which means that Paypal transfers a small amount of money to your banking account and back.

  8. #8
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Please feel free to see this post about adding credit cards.
    Thank you Victorie. I must say, you're doing a stunning job of dealing with all us freeloader's asking questions. from my breif time on the forums I see your posts regularly, and they always seem to be professional. What's surprising is that as well as being professional they actually seem to be helpful too, which certain other mods on other game's forums (yes Blizzard, I'm looking at YOU) can't seem to manage.

    Thanks again (and to everyone else who posted here)

  9. #9
    Community Member Locksta's Avatar
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    Yes, ok we know you can use a credit card, there are countless threads about credit cards.

    and again, yes you can use paypal for turbine points.

    But why is there no option for using paypal for VIP access?

    And I still haven't seen a list of valid methods of payment for VIP, NOT INCLUDING CREDIT CARD.

    I contacted account management atleast 5-7 days ago, and calling an American number from Australia isn't worth it if I'm going to be sitting on hold for endless hours.

    I'm not normally quite so harsh, but the game is built to entice people into getting VIP, and the people want VIP, but can't get it...

    The threads Victorie is recommending are how-to's, and give me no idea of what actual methods work, other then that I can use a credit card and that I can use a Game Time Card. No where does it mention "WHERE", not how, I can get a valid GTC for this version of DDO.

    Had to drag my VIP friends around in boring repetitive F2P quests.
    Last edited by Locksta; 10-07-2009 at 09:49 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Locksta is correct

  10. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locksta View Post
    Yes, ok we know you can use a credit card, there are countless threads about credit cards.

    and again, yes you can use paypal for turbine points.

    But why is there no option for using paypal for VIP access?

    And I still haven't seen a list of valid methods of payment for VIP, NOT INCLUDING CREDIT CARD.

    I contacted account management atleast 5-7 days ago, and calling an American number from Australia isn't worth it if I'm going to be sitting on hold for endless hours.

    I know what you're saying, I really do. *if* I decide to go VIP, and frankly it will depend what my real life EU based friends do, I'll have to call up account management and sit on hold and pay the long distance in order to have my debit card added to my account so i can pay the subscription. In the meantime, my paypal account is now verified so if I want to buy some points for a one-off I *hopefully* will be able to with minimum fuss.

    Re the wait time for account management - I've seen other threads where Victorie has said that the turnaround time to respond to emails is currently 2 weeks - that's not great customer service, but that's because everyone in the world wants to play the North American version not whatever their local outfit is distributing (don't know about the Aussie version but here in the UK we're stuck with Codemasters and its a subscription only model, we have no options, no store and a practically non-existant community - so small there's only two servers for the whole EU).

    Remember - Turbine are the distributors for North America, the rest of us from around the world hopping on here do it by choice in favour of whoever our region's distributor is, and if that means our local cards and so forth don't work off the bat because Turbine didn't anticipate the interest from places outside their alloted distribution zone then I think we probably ought to cut them a little slack.

    Just my opinion. I think we're lucky they don't simply say 'if you aren't based in North America get stuffed' which is what I suspect would be happening if Codemasters were in charge like they are in the EU.

  11. #11
    Customer Service Representative Victorie's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll definitely pass along the request for VIP payment options other than credit card. At this time we're not set up to allow PayPal payments for VIP access, but I will certainly pass along that specific request.

    Turbine officially supports the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. However we are happy to assist players from other countries. Players from our officially supported countries (and possibly some others) can purchase GTCs for VIP time from They do have some country limitations due to our official support areas. GTC is currently the only non-credit card VIP payment option.

    You may also be able to find the Ultimate Game Card at a local store. These can be used with PayByCash to purchase DDO GTCs.

    We can accept credit cards via the website, by phone or by fax. If you'd like the fax info, please email the Account Management department to request it (or you can PM me your username and email address if you're able, and request this info). Our phone hold times can vary greatly. They have been long lately (again due to the Eberron launch) but have quieted some this week. Mondays (and Tuesdays) tend to be our busiest phone days, so if you're able to call on another day, it is likely (but not guaranteed) that your hold time will be shorter.
    DDO Support Page & Knowledge Base
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    English Account/Store Support is available Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (GMT -5). 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

  12. #12
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Bold emphasis mine:

    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll definitely pass along the request for VIP payment options other than credit card. At this time we're not set up to allow PayPal payments for VIP access, but I will certainly pass along that specific request.


    ... GTC is currently the only non-credit card VIP payment option.


    I am taking this as a specific statement that my (EU) debit card will not be able to pay for VIP access (if I go that route) regardless of whether I call up Account Management or not? I think I read somewhere on here that a debit card is ok if its run by one of a select list of credit card providers (including VISA which is fortunately what my wife's debit card is on? Mine is bizarrely maestro despite being on our joint account)?

    Once again, not a complaint, I just want to be absolutely clear what will and won't (or rather should and definitely won't) work from the outset before I sit on hold on international call rate.

  13. #13
    Community Member Locksta's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Yeah I get the wait time, and I know about the EU DDO and Codemasters, I used to play it around 3 years ago, it used to be decent then, but I figured that it would die out if the US version became F2P.

    I don't mind not being able to use my local card or anything, just that I didn't get the difference in how Paypal could be used for TP but not for VIP, and I heard about the GTC's, it was just that there weren't any official details on what providers were selling valid GTC's.

    Cheers for passing it on, good to know Turbine are hearing what we say
    I had looked at the website previously but didn't know if the GTC's they were providing were valid in Eberron, I'll be getting one of them asap, just sent a ticket to Account Management to ask if they could fix the GTC option on my account. Thanks for all your help, makes it so much easier, and again, sorry if anything I said was harsh or taken in a rude manner.

    Refer to I noticed one of the payment options was Maestro, so you could use your debit card with Paybycash, and use the code they provide to get VIP access. On that note, you will have to see if it works, Paypal is on the list and it says it works in Australia, but when I go to buy one it shows me the options available for my country, and Paypal didn't show there.
    Last edited by Locksta; 10-08-2009 at 03:46 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Locksta is correct

  14. #14
    Customer Service Representative Victorie's Avatar
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    dunklezhan, by non-credit card, I mean Game Cards, PayPal, checks, goats or camels, plat, etc. (Sorry, couldn't resist throwing in a few of those.) Our billing system treats any card with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover logo as a credit card. So as long as the card has one of those logos, and we can verify the name and address associated with it, it should work as payment for VIP access (or points purchases) in our system. Some of these cards will need to be entered manually, which we can manage if you call or fax the details.

    Locksta, you're welcome.
    DDO Support Page & Knowledge Base
    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, simply click on "Submit a Ticket"
    English Account/Store Support is available Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (GMT -5). 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

  15. #15
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    @ Victorie - thanks for the clarification.

    In case anyone's interested, I used my verified paypal account last night to buy the lowerst level of turbine points as an experiment, and it worked first time. Had to log out and back in for the extra character slots I bought with the points to show up, but that's cool.

    So, to save others asking and reasking questions about paypal in the forums, here is everything I have established so far, which hopefully just searching for 'Paypal' on the forums will find (because goodness knows this post mentions the word 'paypal' quite a bit. See, I said 'paypal' again. No-one can say this thread title and discussion topic don't answer questions about account management via paypal. And again):

    1. Paypal cannot (as of beginning of October 2009) be used to buy VIP access

    2. Paypal can be used to buy turbine points

    3. To do this, the paypal account must be 'verified' which takes about a week or so - that is not Turbine's issue, its just how Paypal operates.

    4. Once verified, I DID NOT need funds uploaded to my paypal account. Paypal will just billed my bank account direct.

    If points 2 & 4 don't work for you once you've verified your paypal account, there is a problem somewhere. Could be with your bank, could be with paypal, could be with Turbine - could be all three. But don't probably worth not just assuming its Turbine without considering checking the other two parties involved as well.

    As yet personally unverified:

    If your EU debit card is one of the types Victorie mentioned above, you should be able to set up VIP subscription if you want to by calling the Turbine account management helpdesk, and yes this will be international rate and yes you may be on hold for a while.

  16. #16
    Community Member Locksta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    If your EU debit card is one of the types Victorie mentioned above, you should be able to set up VIP subscription if you want to by calling the Turbine account management helpdesk, and yes this will be international rate and yes you may be on hold for a while.
    Yes, but you can also submit a ticket on the website or email them for help if you'd prefer not to call the helpdesk.
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Locksta is correct

  17. #17
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Just wanted to confirm that I can, and in fact have, bought many many turbine points via Paypal, and I'm based in the EU.

    I've spent about forty dollars I think so about £30, which is going on for what a 3 month sub would cost, but on the other hand the adventure packs I've bought are MINE so I won't lose them if I went VIP and then went back to premium, and they're all based at the 'L4-10 free quest bottleneck' I seem to have discovered. In April, when my card expires and they replace it with a shiny visa debit card, I may subscribe. Or if my EU friends - who do seem to be getting into this now - decide to subscribe I'll look into the paybycash options.

    For now though, I'll get by.

    Point is with a verified paypal account it *does* work for buying turbine points. Definitely. If you're having problems doing the same with your paypal there is a problem somewhere, it isn't some obscure Turbine plot to prevent you giving them money.

    It would still be much better if you could buy your sub via Paypal though Turbine, please don't forget to keep looking into this!

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