I don't know enough about other PrE's or their items sets but I wonder if any of them are worse than the assassin set. When I first read about the set, I was pretty excited about it and looked forward to raiding to obtain it. After taking a closer look, I think the set is disappointing at best; an utter, epic failure at worse. After studying it more and more, I'm thinking the designer either had no knowledge of the Assassin PrE or that this set was intentionally designed this way as a cruel joke.
Awanahu's Sash
+6 Con
Proof Against Poison
Whisper Ring
+6 Dex
+1 Exceptional Int
Set Bonus
Bonus to Hit and Damage on Sneak Attacks
20% less threat
Level Drain
Let's look at the set in detail, color coded for green for good implementation, yellow for a questionable implementation, and red for poor implementation.
+6 Con - This is fine. Many of us already have +6 Con on our belt and the hp's replenish when the belt is removed for using a Planar Gird.
Proof Against Poison - Considering that one of the benefits of the Assassin PrE is that you get improved saves against poison, this effect is either not needed or overrides one of the benefits of the PrE. Does any other item negate a bonus granted by the PrE it's supposed to help?
+6 Dex - This bonus is already granted by the top-end rogue set in the game, Tharne's Wrath. One of the two is completely redundant.
+1 Exceptional Int - Useful for asassinate DC's but this is the LAST place you want the Int bonus. Since assassinations are extremely situational your intelligence items are best used as swap items to be equipped before assassinating something. Pairing with a stat you want to have permanently (dex) means that you're getting an int bonus all the time when you rarely need it. Must of us will craft a +9 Int ring specifically for assassinations.
Bonus To Hit and Damage on Sneak Attack - Inferior to, and doesn't stack with, the best rogue goggles in the game.
20% Less Threat - identical to reduction from Tharne's Wrath and, therefore, probably doesn't stack (can anyone confirm?)
Level Drain - Does not proc enough to be useful.
So there you have it. Of the seven bonuses given by the set, two are well done, one is questionable, and four are poorly implemented. Please tell me I'm missing something and that some of my data is flawed or incorrect. Convince me that this set is worth obtaining and wearing for an assassin.
If not, what sets are you folks looking for for your assassins?
EDITED: Changed threat reduction to green since it has stackalicious goodness.
NOTE! Don't get me wrong, I love the new mod and what it's done for the game. I love the new quests and raids. I love the Assassin PrE. I love the concepts of Capstones and craftable item sets. I love MANY of the item sets themselves. I just thing the assassin set was poorly implemented and don't know if this is common across the board or just specific to a few PrEs.