Just rolled a new character. My goal is to be mainly a FvS, but I started level one as a thief for all the skillpoints as well as the unlock/trap skills. Once I leveled I went to FvS.

My question is thus, should I splash anything else or stay with FvS for the rest of the journey? I wanted my character to be good at two things. 1. solo and 2. good utility role in groups. I want to be able to melee, heal/buff, and help with traps/locked things.

I'm at work so I can't give you my exact stats, but I think I'm 15 str, 16 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 14 wis, and 16 chr. The numbers may not add up as I am guessing. I'm playing a drow. When I get home later this evening, I can update the exact stats if it helps!
