Currently whirlwind is completely useless due to its high cooldown and shabby effect. My suggestion is to have it do two rounds of attack in a 360 arc. So if you have a 1 d 6 weapon it would double to a 2 d 6 on everything surrounding you. This would make this feat potentially useful and have more people going that route instead of power attack, cleave, greatcleave which can be spammed back to back and are highly useful.
Combat expertise currently shuts off whenever a spell, spell like ability, or item with a spell charge are used. I already sacrifice + 5 to hit and everyone already gets the defensive fighting feat reinforcing how not useful combat expertise is. My suggestion is for Combat expertise not to shut off but to give a chance of arcane spell failure be it 50% or 100%. Also it should not affect monk abilities or buffs from armor.
Thank you for your time.