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  1. #41
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    I say put your toon list on your sig if you are going to be biatchy or p i s sy. (Rhymes with Sissy).

    Hell We all have attitudes and positions we defend....the difference is some of us wear our uniforms & soldier on....this aint no place for IED placing.

    We clear on this issue?

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  2. #42
    Community Member Baltire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    **** straight.

    Seriously though I have grouped with so many people that are just solid builds who have saved parties in sucky pugs. The guy who end up in threads like these are the guys who have to do quests a certain way with a certain group build to be successful at all, that is not the best at what they do but the best at not pugging, The guys who should end up in thes threads never will cause they just don't give a flying rats behind what you all think and just do their job. The majority with the exception of a few in this whole thread are sub par at best and seriously should rethink what they think are the best of the server. As for me I know who most of the good players are, and they succeed no matter what group they are in, Kehgeld was one of them. You don't see him here cause he was an a hole to a lot of people.
    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    although i am very curious as to who YOU think do great things at the classes they play, as that was the intention of the thread to see who everyone though were great players and to hopefully see some names you havent grouped with before and interest people enough into seeking groups with said players. so feel free to share your opinions on that along with all your other opinions or just keep complaining anon.
    He already has spyder, in this and another post the other day. Apparently Keg was the only good player around according to crog....because yelling at people makes you save bad groups.

    Didn't you all know that.

    If your life's work can be completed in your lifetime, you're thinking too small.
    ~~Wes Jackson~~

  3. #43
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    I say put your toon list on your sig if you are going to be biatchy or p i s sy. (Rhymes with Sissy).

    Hell We all have attitudes and positions we defend....the difference is some of us wear our uniforms & soldier on....this aint no place for IED placing.

    We clear on this issue?


    I'm just sayin is all.

    Edit:: I guess I may want to advertise my noobness be listing all my **** alts all in one convenient place then
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  4. #44
    Community Member Baltire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    I say put your toon list on your sig if you are going to be biatchy or p i s sy. (Rhymes with Sissy).

    Hell We all have attitudes and positions we defend....the difference is some of us wear our uniforms & soldier on....this aint no place for IED placing.

    We clear on this issue?

    I personally think everyone should have at least 1 toon named in their sig. If you have to say something anonymously then it probably shouldn't be said at all.

    If your life's work can be completed in your lifetime, you're thinking too small.
    ~~Wes Jackson~~

  5. #45
    Community Member Thelmallen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    Edit:: I guess I may want to advertise my noobness be listing all my **** alts all in one convenient place then
    Please please do so we all know who to avoid, Palol!
    -=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
    Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]

  6. #46
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post

    I'm just sayin is all.

    Edit:: I guess I may want to advertise my noobness be listing all my **** alts all in one convenient place then
    No need, we know all your alts, one just needs to open up their DNG list and look for the words, "Effin n00b" to find em
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  7. #47
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    I say put your toon list on your sig if you are going to be biatchy or p i s sy. (Rhymes with Sissy).

    Hell We all have attitudes and positions we defend....the difference is some of us wear our uniforms & soldier on....this aint no place for IED placing.

    We clear on this issue?

    Well why dont you post your personal info so we can grief you in RL? Hmmmmm? Oh yeah thats against the ELUA nm.

    Edit::Gawd it sounds so stupid I almost cant leave it in there........
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  8. #48
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thelmallen View Post
    Please please do so we all know who to avoid, Palol!
    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    No need, we know all your alts, one just needs to open up their DNG list and look for the words, "Effin n00b" to find em
    You cut me Shrek, you cut me bad!
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  9. #49
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    I can nominate a few myself:

    Best at Typing the wrong keys: Meriam
    Best at Going AFK at Beginning of Quest and then returning right as we finish up: Too many, far too many pugs
    Best at Angry Muttering/Screaming Over Voice Chat: Keghold
    Best at Conveying that they are having a good time by them not getting angry at someone in the party: Symp
    Best at making the most toons of one class that are still viable: Karm
    Best at unerringly going AFK right before beginning a quest: Thrann
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
    Main: Sharess
    Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella

  10. #50
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    i dont candy coat stuff for people. if you have a toon who is broke ill tell ya so you can try and fix it and actually start contributing to the party. but some people dont take constructive criticism very well. and i still have no clue who you even are.
    Lol, people have pointed out who my toons are, none of them are anywhere close to broken and it never had anything to do with you telling people as such. My problem with you is you think you are super uber when you are not, You don't admit to things when you did them and you are never wrong. Lol just grow up is my advice to you, people who start threads like this usually are the ones who need to stroke their ego and they start these threads in hopes of seeing people put them on their list. So do the people posting on them for the most part, it's a popularity contest and nothing more.

  11. #51
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 04pugdog04 View Post
    Originally Posted by croger1520033
    I have been in to many groups where you talk about how uber u are, and how gimped some others are from that point forward I squelched you and do not grp with you.

    Spyder is the man I was in a genisis point with me and 5 others that didn't know the quest that good and saw he was on after we tried to figure it out for like 2 hours pulled the lever end path sent him a tell and he dropped what he was doing to come in and finish the wuest for me 2 guildies and others in the group. I left so he could have the slot to help out. So step of croger spyder is a friendly player and helps whenever he can.
    Here's the thing I don't expect anyone not to post negative **** about me if I was an a hole to them, I am a nice player help out often drink pots on my cleric when needed, with that being said I can be an a hole to people to, I don't expect them to like me or not post negative **** about me when I am. The times I have grouped with spyder and it was more than one occasion he was an a hole to others (not to me but to others) that **** doesn't fly with me when it isn't deserved and on the instances it happened it wasn't. I am more than happy to let let people take flak when they act like a bone head, but a few things it doesn't have to be2 hrs of making somoene feel like a noob, and if the person says sorry, drop it like a bad habit. I have flipped my lid on people and have apologized for it, unfortunately for me it still happens I am a diabetic and sometimes when my sugars are off I can become an a hole. I don't make excuses and few people know the reason why I lose it sometimes, but if I remember the following day I will goout of my way to apologize. That never happened as far as I know with spyder. If it did I apologize, since I am unaware of that happening my position remains the same.

  12. #52
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Here's the thing I don't expect anyone not to post negative **** about me if I was an a hole to them, I am a nice player help out often drink pots on my cleric when needed, with that being said I can be an a hole to people to, I don't expect them to like me or not post negative **** about me when I am. The times I have grouped with spyder and it was more than one occasion he was an a hole to others (not to me but to others) that **** doesn't fly with me when it isn't deserved and on the instances it happened it wasn't. I am more than happy to let let people take flak when they act like a bone head, but a few things it doesn't have to be2 hrs of making somoene feel like a noob, and if the person says sorry, drop it like a bad habit. I have flipped my lid on people and have apologized for it, unfortunately for me it still happens I am a diabetic and sometimes when my sugars are off I can become an a hole. I don't make excuses and few people know the reason why I lose it sometimes, but if I remember the following day I will goout of my way to apologize. That never happened as far as I know with spyder. If it did I apologize, since I am unaware of that happening my position remains the same.
    i have never and i repeat never been an ass to someone undeserving of it. and when have i ever made excuses? and i dont really care if you wanna post negatively, id jsut rather you post neg without hiding behind anon. the only thing i go on about for 2 hours at a time is how bad bards suck, so if you caught that then you obviously havent grouped with me enough to know that its mainly tongue in cheek and i usually bring it up to make fun of guildies/friends like mud . and my ego is more than big enough that i dont need ego stroking ,i liek to see who people think are good players , i have met a few good friends from seeking out names off others lists in the past.

    could ya point me to one of the many posts where your toons have been listed? then at least i can see which toon of yours i must have obviously said was gimped, because otherwise all i see is someone ****ed and not afraid to say anyhting becuase it wont affect anythign at all because he is anon.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
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  13. #53
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    i have never and i repeat never been an ass to someone undeserving of it. and when have i ever made excuses? and i dont really care if you wanna post negatively, id jsut rather you post neg without hiding behind anon. the only thing i go on about for 2 hours at a time is how bad bards suck, so if you caught that then you obviously havent grouped with me enough to know that its mainly tongue in cheek and i usually bring it up to make fun of guildies/friends like mud . and my ego is more than big enough that i dont need ego stroking ,i liek to see who people think are good players , i have met a few good friends from seeking out names off others lists in the past.

    could ya point me to one of the many posts where your toons have been listed? then at least i can see which toon of yours i must have obviously said was gimped, because otherwise all i see is someone ****ed and not afraid to say anyhting becuase it wont affect anythign at all because he is anon.
    Nuriela, Rasch, Brasch, and Salorael. Look them up if you want we do have MY.DDO now. Like i have said before you never called me a gimp, as you would likely have been laughed out of the group.

  14. #54
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Nuriela, Rasch, Brasch, and Salorael. Look them up if you want we do have MY.DDO now. Like i have said before you never called me a gimp, as you would likely have been laughed out of the group.
    ah i know you , yoru the guy who argued with me abotu MY lfm saying leaderloot back when mod 5 first came out in the titan raid. so i promptly told you that you didnt have to join my lfm so how was it in any way forcing anyone to play the way that i wanna play? so i said you could **** off and not join and it wouldnt bother me at all. thats about right isnt it?

    as for a few of your other commetns about perfect party builds, etc,etc anyone who knows me knows that i will go into any quest with any party makeup and reliably completely at any time. Kegheld was one of the best players on sarlona, at least we have that in agreement.

    cant really believe you have held a grudge since mod 5 came out.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
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  15. #55
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    ah i know you , yoru the guy who argued with me abotu MY lfm saying leaderloot back when mod 5 first came out in the titan raid. so i promptly told you that you didnt have to join my lfm so how was it in any way forcing anyone to play the way that i wanna play? so i said you could **** off and not join and it wouldnt bother me at all. thats about right isnt it?

    as for a few of your other commetns about perfect party builds, etc,etc anyone who knows me knows that i will go into any quest with any party makeup and reliably completely at any time. Kegheld was one of the best players on sarlona, at least we have that in agreement.

    cant really believe you have held a grudge since mod 5 came out.
    Try a few titan, runs where you *****ed someone out, at least 1 von run where you acted like a child, and a couple shrouds since then I have avoided you. Not going into specifics here but if you want me to tell you in detail I can. In PM's

  16. #56
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    ah i know you , yoru the guy who argued with me abotu MY lfm saying leaderloot back when mod 5 first came out in the titan raid. so i promptly told you that you didnt have to join my lfm so how was it in any way forcing anyone to play the way that i wanna play? so i said you could **** off and not join and it wouldnt bother me at all. thats about right isnt it?

    as for a few of your other commetns about perfect party builds, etc,etc anyone who knows me knows that i will go into any quest with any party makeup and reliably completely at any time. Kegheld was one of the best players on sarlona, at least we have that in agreement.

    cant really believe you have held a grudge since mod 5 came out.
    Lol - You have no idea what he's capable of.

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  17. #57
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Try a few titan, runs where you *****ed someone out, at least 1 von run where you acted like a child, and a couple shrouds since then I have avoided you. Not going into specifics here but if you want me to tell you in detail I can. In PM's
    feel fre to go into specifics, cause numebr 1 i dont pug von1 , havent pugged von 1 in abotu 3 years, number 2 i lead 99% of the shrouds i run , so if someone does somethign stupid and they know better , of course im going to say something. and as for titan, not sure waht the stars are blocking out but if it has anyhting to do with loot , everyone who comes on any raid i have ever done has had equal shot at all loot, and ive never locked anyone out of the raid at mindflayer or anyhting liek that so name specifics. name 1 instance where anyhting i did was not justified in the tiniest way.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
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  18. #58
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    feel fre to go into specifics, cause numebr 1 i dont pug von1 , havent pugged von 1 in abotu 3 years, number 2 i lead 99% of the shrouds i run , so if someone does somethign stupid and they know better , of course im going to say something. and as for titan, not sure waht the stars are blocking out but if it has anyhting to do with loot , everyone who comes on any raid i have ever done has had equal shot at all loot, and ive never locked anyone out of the raid at mindflayer or anyhting liek that so name specifics. name 1 instance where anyhting i did was not justified in the tiniest way.
    Not going to go into specifics to easy for someone to report me for something stupid, needless to say you went off on something for not doing something your way even though you never explained what your way was. As far as von never said von 1, and regardless of what the forum date says I have been here since release, and have always been on sarlona, I know you and I know pretty much all players on the server.

  19. #59
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Not going to go into specifics to easy for someone to report me for something stupid, needless to say you went off on something for not doing something your way even though you never explained what your way was.
    suitably ambigious, nice job staying in character.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
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  20. #60
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    and you have no need to fear myself reporting you. i personally think its chicken **** to report someoen o nthe forums for disagreeing or arguing.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
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