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Thread: Quick questions

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  1. #1
    Founder Urguwno's Avatar
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    Default Quick questions

    Just for context, I'm rejoining DDO after 2+ years. I hit the level cap (10) not long after DDO released, quit, and now I'm dusting off my old characters for another run.

    My human cleric just distributed heals and divine vitality. That playstyle worked fine for me for this class.
    • High WIS
    • High CHA
    • Extra Turning feat

    So I have a few quick questions:
    1. It appears Turn Undead is probably even less viable now than it was when the level cap was 10, and many alternate options have been invented in the form of Enhancements. Considering my Cleric is basically just a heal bot, would it be better to invest in Divine Vitality or would I be better off choosing this new Divine Healing enhancement?
    2. My cleric has a Greater Devotion Dagger, but I'm sure that's probably petty loot compared to what has come out in the last couple of years. What better items should I be looking for to enhance healing?
    3. Is it worth investing feats in dragonmarks considering this character is Human? I'll probably re-roll a 32pt Halfling once I figure out this "favor" stuff, because the CLW dragonmark sounds pretty good.

    Thank you in advance for any advice.
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  2. #2
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Your cleric is ok as is, lots of clerics (certainly not most) have extra turning exclusively for DVs. DH is also a decent choice.

    For gear at your level you want to be searching for the highest superior devotion item you can find. When you hit level 11 you want to find a greater potency VI item and a superior potency VI item as soon as you can equip i. You need a potency item to use with blade barrier, which is one of the best offensive spells in the game.

    At level 11 a pretty standard gear layout is:

    Head - Minos Legens helm - +20 hp, heavy fort (turn in 20 tapestries aquired in necropolis adventure area (or buy on AH for 120-200K GP))
    Neck - Wisdom
    boots - striding
    weapon 1 - potency
    weapon 2 - spell point item at start until used up then switch to spell penetration item
    Belt - CON item

    Rest - useful items as needed, poison item, disease item, feather fall

    Dragonmarks: no useful ones for a human cleric. As you noted the halfling ones are a viable option for all builds but I've always felt like the three feats could be better spent on metas for more versatility or spell penetration of better offensive spells. Some beleive that the halfling DM cleric is the best healbot though. I would not take only the first one though, take all three to get the "free" heal spells or none.

    Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
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  3. #3
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default new gear new level cap

    High Wis - always grants more SPs and it's really nice when you need greater command, destruction, and anything else with a DC to stick.
    High Cha - not as critical as having a good Con so you can survive the one shots from bossees. Unless you have great turning gear you are going turn undeads are just charges you use for something else :P

    Get Greater or Superior Potency item and replace the devotion item. Potency / Devotion don't stack. Potency is for all spells, Devotion is only for healing spells.

    The halfling dragonmarks are nice from what I have read, I prefer dwarven and human clerics. If you want to play with dragonmarks consider the the human movement ones too. It's nice to have basically base move +25% buff all the time + DDoors and Teleport to get around. But feats used for the three dragon marks cost you something else like toughness, spell penetration, mental toughness, heighten, quicken ... etc.

    Good clerics are not based on build, they are dependent on the people that play them

  4. #4
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    I've been in your shoes. I'd roll up a new guy. Not that you're cleric is bad but there is a lot of new low level stuff to run and it's actually kind of fun. You'll probably still be nosing new content as you pass 10th level.

    As far as building a guy, the easiest thing is to go grab...

    ...and play around. Or just steal a build off the forums.

    A lot of stuff has changed. Most notably for cleric...the hyper-specialization of the four slot enhancements is gone and replaced by a point-based system with diminishing returns. Also, the cost of metamagics is different (it's now a fixed SP cost regardless of spell) and they are now more favorable than they once were.

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