Do most people take all 4 level 1 enhancements to be able to do all of the chains? It seems like monks are really tight on enhancements and focusing on 1, maybe 2 stances would help alleviate that. But you give up two finishers for each path you decide not to take.
As a dps monk my main form long-term would be the air form. So if you eschew the other three forms you're giving up finishers for a 30-second silence and stun/daze/sleep immunity (earth), burning hands and the +2 hit/skills/saves (fire), and slow and spell point reduction (water). You're also losing the option to use the stances as needed (need ki? go fire. need more defense? go earth).
What do most monks do? Stick to one stance or train them all for more flexibility?
As for the animal forms my main thrust after pure dps is being able to buff/heal the party w/o using resources. I'm torn whether I'm better off with the crane form (for the ki generation) or the tortoise form (for the extra concentration and ki maintenance). Thoughts?
Lastly, is stunning fist worthwhile if you're focusing on strength? I have a decent wisdom (14 +1 tome = 15 base) but I'm planning on putting level-ups to str. Will the DC be too low to be worth it or is it viable for hard/heroics at that level of wisdom?