Let me know if you got one and what you want fer it
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!! QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~ Member of Roving Guns
Originally Posted by Quikster Let me know if you got one and what you want fer it posion protect anytime in The Shroud I want it....even during combat...and any other buff I may think of that is not needed.
No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)
Originally Posted by soupertc posion protect anytime in The Shroud I want it....even during combat...and any other buff I may think of that is not needed. Done. Mail to itibitiquik. I expect this in the next 24 hours or the deal is off.
Originally Posted by Quikster Let me know if you got one and what you want fer it I want you to stop being a noob
.: Reaper :. Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
Originally Posted by Roman I want you to stop being a noob ****! Thats one price i cant meet
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