I'm a lvl5 human Paladin soloing The Catacombs and having a really hard time with skeletons and some other undead. I was using my 1H sword (Nicked Longsword - that's +1 with 1d6 frost) or 2H sword (+2 greatsword) to kill pretty much everything but suddenly these things are much harder. I have a +2 with longswords thanks to the enhancement and weapon focus, and hate to give up the 'to hit'.
But sure, I get that skeletons have damage resistance to slashing weapons but I've yet to find a mace or other blunt weapon worth having. I recently acquired a Nicked Mace (+1 with 1d6 force dmg) and certainly it does better, but I feel like I keep missing too much. Maybe I'm obsessing.
In any case, what weapon should I be looking for to fight these tougher undead? Are there undead bane weapons reasonably available at my level and if so, where (the AH is a no-go on my server.)?