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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Turbine Network Service not running

    I think this has been answered but I'm just to tired to look through all the threads to find the specific one I need (after doing the search.)
    My problem is this:
    I've just downloaded TDM and installed it and tried to run it.
    TDM keeps giving me "You may be experiencing network connection issues."
    I've checked my Windows firewall and it is off.
    For network connection: I have only 1 card and it was detected. TDM failed to map the port to my address using UPnP but randomly allocated port 41616.
    I checked the Windows services and found that Turbine Network Service was not running. I tried starting it but it immediately stopped.
    Right now I can't get DDO to download, let alone launch.

    I've also tried the High-res Pando download but it seems so slow that it show 4000+ hrs.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Same issue. "Failed to map port..." Turbine download manager says it's updating, but it's not. It's dead in the water.

    Running Windows 7 Ultimate - 64. It was running the game fine until today.

    Uninstalled the TDM, re-downloaded it, then reloaded it. Did the same thing. Uninstalled the TDM and DDO. Reloaded the TDM. Did the same thing. Did this like 4 times. Will not update or connect. Tried changing the port. Doesn't work. Shut off the virus scan. Doesn't work. Tried running at Administrator. Doesn't work. Tried running it as XP Service Pack 2.

    I can post my log, but it's like 47 pages in Word.

    Any help would be great.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I have the same problem, any help is appreciated, though this seems like a dead thread.

    Edit: Found out on another thread it was peerguardian, if you have that, it could be what's causing the problem.
    Last edited by Arkveld; 01-08-2010 at 06:04 PM.

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