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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default THF Kensai questions

    I currently have a lvl 8 Kensai, built around THF Greataxe. I was wondering if multiclassing would be good for this toon. Damage output is very good atm and it should stay that way, but im concerned about crappy saves and complete lack of healing. I was thinking bout couple levels of rogue, for extra saves, evasion, sneak attacks, uncanny dodge and skill points for umd, maybe haggle. Or some other class, but i think rog would give this toon most benefits. On the other hand pure fighter is good choice for lvl 18 crit multiplier increase and kensai bonuses. Any advice on that would be great.

    Also i was wondering if cleave is useful in any way? Atm i use improved THF and power attack stance and afaik you cant use power attack and cleave at the same time.
    Last edited by verlocisko; 09-30-2009 at 06:24 AM.

  2. #2


    Others may disagree, but multiclassing to rogue with a STR-based THF is not ideal. Rogues get sneak attacks - excellent - but only while they don't have agro. STR-based THF builds generate a lot of agro. You won't get as much benefit from your rogue splash as you would with a DEX-based build.

    Also, Evasion wont help you unless you have a lot of DEX, and are only wearing light armor (or none at all)

    You can power attack and cleave at the same time. Cleave is a great way to get a regular full attack on a bunch of stuff in the arc directly in front of you.

    IIRC, Cleave is also a Kensai prereq

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    IIRC, Cleave is also a Kensai prereq
    Cleave's a prereq for Frenzied Berserker, not Kensai.

    to the OP, you should just stick through with pure fighter all the way. Level 20 gets you the capstone (stacking 10% melee attack speed boost), so it's hard to miss out on that.

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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks for replies so far. About Evasion bonus: Actually i have 16 dex atm, and with items and enhancements i could buff it to 20-22 pretty easily. I started with so high dex because of Fighter armor max dex bonus and i was aiming for mithril full plate. Additionally kensai recieves +reflex saves vs magical attacks so i think i could use it nicely with chain shirt.

  5. #5
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    I have a WF THF Kensai, using Greatswords.

    I plan to stay pure for the simple reason of the Fighter Capstone. If you worried about healing try a warforged...(grin). Seriously though, yes will saves are a problem for a fighter, I plan to use WF Will Save enchancements to boost it, the Iron Will Feat, a +2 Wis Tome when I get one, and certainly a item or two. My Will saves wont be fantastic, but they should be enough.

    Taking a lvel or two of Rogue is not worth it espicially considering what you'd be giving up an extra 10% attack speed.

  6. #6
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
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    Cleave is great. Any quest where you're able to block things up at the door, or its a narrow corridor, cleave will lay out some nice damage. With all the feats a fighter get, its easy to fit it in, and even great cleave if you like it. I believe they are on different timers, so you can spam'em abit.
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Kraldor View Post
    Cleave's a prereq for Frenzied Berserker, not Kensai.
    right right my bad

  8. #8
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    OP, be at peace with your ****py will/reflex saves and lack of healing. Your survivability is killing mobs before they kill you and your healing is potions and healers. Kensei is DPS, not survivability.

    If spellcasters are getting you down, its not a bad idea to pick up a spell resistance item. It won't save you all the time but the little blue shield can be very handy.

    Also, I agree with the person above who said if you're only intending to take a couple of splash levels of rogue, don't do it. The fighter capstone is one of the most worthwhile atm and not worth giving up for a variable ability to avoid AoE damage imo.

    If you want to go survivability, a combo like pal12(KotC2)/rgr6(Tempest1)/rog2 is much better. Gives you lay on hands, access to healing wands, great dps, awesome saves, proper evasion.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Feignedeath's Avatar
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    I have a WF kensai TWF. My problem is AC. It's only 28. Have adamantine body. +5 Docent and DEX 16 with armored agility maxed to allow the dex bonus. Have some protection items, but still get taken down alot. How can i get my AC up?

  10. #10
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feignedeath View Post
    I have a WF kensai TWF. My problem is AC. It's only 28. Have adamantine body. +5 Docent and DEX 16 with armored agility maxed to allow the dex bonus. Have some protection items, but still get taken down alot. How can i get my AC up?

    You can check the build threads, but honestly... you don't. Nothing significant anyway. Best way is to just avoid the damage. Move, duck, dodge and weave. There's ways to avoid damage. If nothing else, get your HP up, get some damage resistance going, and shrug it off.

    That's what it seems like to me anyhow.
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
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