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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Ranger/Rogue Solo Build - Viable?

    Ok, I'm not against grouping, but I realize that my lack of social assertiveness means I'm more likely to play alone than to play in a group. So what I'm looking for is that this build will be able to hold itself well enough in a fight to do some quests all on its own, and still be viable to group with and be at least an off-tank or more likely DPS or something. Why Ranger/Rogue instead of Fighter or just straight up Fighter you may ask? Well I have this thing for Two-Weapon Fighting, not sure what exactly. Initially I was hoping for actual unarmed weapons, like punching daggers, and not those hand wraps. Unfortunately hand wraps appears to be it for unarmed and now I'm still stuck thinking how cool TWF is for some reason. And Rogue is so that when I run across traps and locked doors I can handle them. Also getting that little bit of sneak attack sounds nice.

    Here's what I've got so far:

    Warforged Ranger/Rogue

    Str 15
    Dex 15
    Con 12
    Int 14
    Wis 10
    Cha 6

    1st - Ranger - Adamantine Body
    2nd - Rogue
    3rd/4th - Ranger - Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting
    5th - Rogue
    6th/7th/8th/9th - Ranger - Toughness/Two-Weapon Defense
    10th - Rogue
    11th/12th/13th/14th - Ranger - Improved Critical (Some weapon type, maybe slashing?)
    15th - Rogue - Weapon Focus (Same as Improved Crit)
    16th/17th/18th/19th - Ranger - Dodge (Maybe?)
    20th - Rogue

    The reason for the scattered Rogue levels is that by doing this, with the skill points available to me, I can end the progression at max ranks in Disable Device and Open Locks, and I should be able to be at or near max ranks in Search and Spot if I plan things correctly at the end. My intent for skills is to keep Disable Device, Open Locks, Search and Spot as high as possible to help with bypassing traps and getting as much treasure as possible, also adding a bit of Rogue to any group I'm with if we don't have one. Other skills would probably include Listen, Repair and maybe off points into Jump or Balance perhaps. Unsure just how vital Intimidate is to holding aggro since I"ve been soloing so far to get a feel for combat and using skills etc.

    So let me know what you all think. Hopefully this is a functional build?

  2. #2
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Yes, it's a functional build -- although you don't need nearly so many Rogue levels. Just Rogue at level 1 is enough to maintain trap skills. My wife has something similar that she started before Monk came into the game, and it's probably her favorite character.

    But in the current era I think you'll find making a Warforged version of The Exploiter meets all your goals and is even better.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Thanks. I'm curious though, after having looked up The Exploiter and a couple of other builds here, why does everyone seem so set on having Use Magic Device? Is it really that crucial of a skill at endgame? And what's the deal with the Khopesh? It's a longsword with a slightly better crit modifier. Is it that much better that everyone "needs" to dual-wield a khopesh or be considered an unsuccessful build? There are just some strange things I'm seeing as I peruse the boards...but probably because I'm used to playing the game as a tabletop, pencil and paper, be social with your friends face-to-face kinda thing.

  4. #4
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    get your umd score up, and maybe take skill focus umd. Being able to umd heal/reconstuct will really help solo play at higher levels.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

  5. #5
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evendel View Post
    Thanks. I'm curious though, after having looked up The Exploiter and a couple of other builds here, why does everyone seem so set on having Use Magic Device? Is it really that crucial of a skill at endgame? And what's the deal with the Khopesh? It's a longsword with a slightly better crit modifier. Is it that much better that everyone "needs" to dual-wield a khopesh or be considered an unsuccessful build? There are just some strange things I'm seeing as I peruse the boards...but probably because I'm used to playing the game as a tabletop, pencil and paper, be social with your friends face-to-face kinda thing.
    Indeed, DDO is very different. Without a human DM, the game becomes a lot more about performance than role playing, and so a slight advantage is soon perceived as a must-have.

    UMD: Yes, it really is that good. At high levels it lets you use all sorts of Wands and Scrolls that would normally be reserved for other characters. Being able to equip race-restricted stuff is also a nice benefit.

    Khopesh: This is the highest DPS weapon in the game. That extra crit is even better than you think at end-game because "everyone" has weapons with crazy extra crit damage. Is it a LOT more than other good weapons? Not usually. But more is more, so every optimizing builder will try to work it in.

  6. #6
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    Alright. With my current stat build it looks like if I start with Rogue instead of ranger, and then went full Ranger I should still have enough skill points to keep Disable Device, Open Locks, Search, Spot, and Use Magic Device at max ranks. Perhaps then, to add the Khopesh, take EWP (Khopesh) at 6, Toughness at 9, then instead of Dodge take TW Defense, since if I'm a TWF build I'll be wielding two weapons anyway? I'm thinking enhancement-wise it can't hurt to look into the Healer's Friend both for solo and group play.

    EDIT: Also, is there a particular type of monster that is more frequently encountered towards endgame? Like more aberrations or undead, etc? Because it seems to me that I'll likely either choose the most immediately threatening mob for Favored Enemy and then be left with a powerful but rarely used bonus at higher levels, or I'll select something I won't see until I'm high level, but have a nice bonus against when I get there.
    Last edited by evendel; 10-02-2009 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Bbrik's Avatar
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    Not bad but for solo I would sugest this. (will leave stat points to you). Go wf with 18 wizzy 2 rog. You will be able to have full rog skills umd cc dmg spells self healing sneak attack. You can put stat points into int,con,dex and str. You can get twf feat so you could stun your ennemys or just use aoe to damage them. You will be able to self buff and use divine power clickies and tensors when using melée. Secret doors,traps,locks will be easy. As far as runes and levers wis will be the hardest to achieve but with items tomes you should be able to maybe get a few. You can use int for your reflex save(insightfull reflex) making dex only or your ac. You could use less dex and put more Con and str for more surviabitly and melée damage. Feats
    addy body
    insightfull reflex
    and rest toughness
    (replace toughness with itwf gtwf if needed


    open lock
    (rest is up to you)


    I can't remeber them all right now. At shcool ATM but spec for aoe spells (cone of cold fireball ect)

    saves will be pretty good but will(wis items tomes Rec 4-5 item you could get a
    average will save. Reflex and fort will be great. Ac will be average bit with wf dr, buffs ect.

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