What in the heck is up with this quest? I went into this thing once with a straight PUG (easy peasy till last fight then disaster), and once with a Good PUG with people who have a clue and good gear. Finally got it done after three party wipes (one do to the latest addition to my DNP list: the loot during a fight, drop down the hole early even though told in voice and party chat to wait guy), and a couple people switching characters and a lot of luck/resources at the end. This quest's final fight is absolutely, stupidly, entirely too difficult on normal. I was told that a change was made with the hotfix by someone in the group to cause this, not sure if this is true or not, but I know you will not see me in a straight pug in there again.
Did I miss an easy button along the way or something? Other quests out there aren't this hard on hard (only done a couple on elite so I withhold judgement there).