Is there ANYWHERE I can find what the default builds give each path?
I checked the Compendium for Monk, path of light path but feats it shows does not match at all with the character builders out there.
Is there ANYWHERE I can find what the default builds give each path?
I checked the Compendium for Monk, path of light path but feats it shows does not match at all with the character builders out there.
The general reccomentation is to not use them at all. They were designed for extremly new people to get into the game quickly without learning all of the ins-and-outs of character generation. You would be much farther ahead to take the time and learn and plan your character yourself, rather than level it up and have a dislike for it and reroll after spending a great deal of time on it.
Two great choices for you:
- find someone in game with some experience playing the type of character you want to play, and get an idea of the "must haves" and "really useless" choices
- post on these forums what you think might be a good route, and let some of the very experienced character builders pick at it with you
I have no trouble viewing the Path Builds for every class and Race... are you sure you know how to use the Compendium? Maybe this link will help you :
Slugitt "Fix all the bugs before you add more, we are not an ant colony, we will not win with more bugs!"
"Breath of the Fire Dragon" is a finishing move, I believe. Same for the raging sea probably