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  1. #141
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marshm1972 View Post
    Start of Rant: I am fed up.

    I play a WF THF Fighter currently and I am sick of certain (not all, or even most) Clerics telling me that they wont heal me because I burn up to much of *their* Mana.
    With healers friend enhancements you end up with a very small penalty. It's barely noticeable. Take these enhancements and when a cleric gives you this reason tell him you have healer's friend which negates the penalty.

    If he doesn't believe you tell him to try it before you step into the quest.

  2. #142
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I responded to this thread before, but with a little more experience under my belt, here is my standing opinion.

    Take at least one tier of Healer's Friend.
    Be prepared to carry pots/be self-repairing
    Communicate with the healer and let them know if you are self-repairing.

    Heal WF when they are in combat
    Ask when you join the party if the WF is self-repairing
    Understand that when parties put up an LFM for a Cleric, they are generally looking for a healer. What you do from there is your choice.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  3. #143
    Community Member Ashiel_Dragmire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zooble View Post
    i burned 50+ heal scrolls and 2 shop pots healing a warforged tank in vod fully specced in healing. how many did the other cleric use? who knows... there was also a wiz that helped. you can supply those thanks.

    any other tank could have tanked it fine... it didn't have to be a warforged and i would have saved a large amount of coin. that could be said about every other dungeon in the game... they arn't required for anything and any other race can replace them with no down side

    i can protect myself just fine thanks... or if you must insist... any other class can protect me just fine and use less resources

    any immunity you think is crucial can be bestowed/cured by a cleric spell,equip, or even a clickie so what were you bringing to the group again?

    if you want to play warforged then play a sorc/cleric/fvs/wiz and heal yourself... you are not bringing anything to the group if you are draining excessive sp and the group is better off without you.

    i dont mind tossing the above mentioned combos heals in the heat of battle considering they always heal themselves inbetween fights

    if you drain my sp then afaik you can leave the group so a more efficient fleshie can join

    Anyway, what I'm seeing here on the thread is people complaining about PuG Clerics not wanting to heal WF and PuG WF burning all of the CLeric's resources. The real problem here isn't the WF OR the Cleric, but rather the fact that you're playing with PuGs. NO WONDER YOU'RE HAVING A TOUGH TIME! Of course, I may be biased against PuGs as I've had some absolutely terrible luck with PuGs for the past few weeks.

    Anyway, I digress. Find yourself a good guild or group of friends you can trust. See that they have your back and you have theirs. Of course you won't always be able to group with them, but when you can't just run some lower things you know you can handle that way the healer doesn't burn all of his or her blue goodness.

    So, to the WF: Like everyone says, be self sufficient. Buy wands and pots or play a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Paladin to gain access to healing. Or befriend one of the aforementioned classes (or a Rogue Mechanic).

    To the Healers: Don't be a jerk and heal everyone, provided of course they pull their weight. Today I was told by a Cleric that I was burning up their SP quite fast, but they still continued to heal me. So next time I play I'm going to go out of my way to purchase Repair Wands, Pots, and if I loot SP Elixirs, they will go straight to the Clerics.

    DDO's a team game, love it or hate.
    "I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom...
    Belief or disbelief rests with you."

  4. #144
    Community Member ertlif's Avatar
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    Thumbs up here we go, yet again

    /whiner on
    dude, it's always the same, someone slips or commits a mistake and everyone is very rude at him
    "you clearly don't understand the game"
    "you don't know what you are talking about"
    etc etc
    SAVE THOSE COMMENTS, plz, be nicer, for Pelor!
    /whiner off

    Yeah well, WF are hard to heal sometimes, i realized that the only mana efficient way i have to heal droids up is wait for them to be at 25% hp and cast heal on them. Any other way costs me a hell lot more of mana.

    I am no veteran, i just got my first cleric char to 19 and i'm experiencing what i call "the high hp phase", where any dude surrounding me in a group goes beyond 400hp and need some serious lvl healing spells. I gotta say WFs are awesome in many ways, and yeah.. it's true, by not getting poisoned and stuff they sorta save me some mana, but when it comes to healing them... boy, i sure think twice before casting!

    I hate seeing half-full bars on my group, but i know that for each WF heal i perform, the rest of the group looses a couple of spells from me. I'll never watch a WF die if i have any sp left, but i also like self healing WF.

    Anyways, in my humble opinion, i think that clerics are meant for healing, and that includes everyone, the only thing i ask from WFs is to bring some self-healing on to lighten up the cleric's burden a bit.
    Lawful good Cleric = Steppenwolf lvl 17
    Trying to make an acceptable cleric out of my first char xD

    Imagine me with a squid face -- its a trap!

  5. #145
    Community Member rezo's Avatar
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    Remember in Eberron, casters are the ones who heal/ repair warforged that's why they have the spells. So don't blame the clerics blame the caster " I'm not set up to heal/ repair warforgeds. I'm a nuker." lol. As I have clerics too I don't mind healing them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.
    So sad but true.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuscarora View Post
    Excellent, we see it the same. WF should party with WF and only WF. The races (i.e. fleshies) shall party with other living races (again, i.e. fleshies). Works for me.
    The problem is my WF sorc is always having to rez and carry you fleshies....i really wish you were more durable. But alas your just squishies who cannot take the heat of the agro you try to get and i am constantly having to save you. Why i cannot tell you the perverse pleasure i take in rezing a dead fleshy cleric. I chuckle deep within my heartless you and your pitiful race.

    Oh...and i dont need your healing..i can heal myself and i can even heal you. Why again are you needed little fleshy at all?

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