This is what I would do (sort of what I'm doing)
Dwarf 20 FvS
14 Str (not important to max, the few points of dps will not be worth sacrificing spell DC)
17 Wis with level up points in Wisdom for better spell DC.
Low Cha, like 10 or so. Just make sure you have enough to cast without needing CHA III enhancement which is expensive at 6 AP, much better stuff to spend that on
Decent stats everywhere else
1 Toughness feat to unlock the 80 HP via enhancements
Dwarven or Greataxe proficiency
And whatever else you want, Heighten, or Heavy Armor Proficiency if you think you can reach meaningful AC (and you can with a dwarf). Some people are die-hard about empower heals but its worthless, only applies to heal spell, only good for 3 things. Killing Cholthuzz, healing WF too stupid to get healers friend, and setting the world record for heals and posting it on your bio to show everyone how uber you are.
The healing will come without any feats, just choose the right spells. At level 15 Ive got 2 AoE cures (those with maximize and empower are plenty to cover raids), Heal, Blade Barrier, Destruction and Slay Living so I'm not really missing out on anything. You'll find yourself missing stuff as you level up, FoM, Deathward, True Seeing, Prot From Elements, much like a sorc but it will come in time.
Picking up scrolls of heal (obvious one), raise dead (another obvious one but you may go without the spell for a while), res, prot from elements (very useful), true seeing (competes with some other good spells). Very helpful. Also mass spell resist (caster level makes it 25 which actually works a lot)