Pls pls pls my friend Quik, start focusing on learning to play this game. You are not the killing machine you think you are. There is only one class in game that is capable of buffing, singing and keeping a party hasted and its YOU!
Stop trying to swing your silly little green rapiers. I am sick of having to stop and heal you because the poor clerics can't keep up with your sponginess.
You are an aggro magnet, but you don't have the capability to handle it.
You know in quests now we get an xp bonus for not dying right? You can also break all the boxes while the Melee Classes kill things.
Pls Pls Pls, Quik, buy plenty healing pots, wands and scrolls so you can actually do the job required of you! Im so sick of hearing you tell me how much of a killer your bard is, but when it comes time to cruise through a moderately difficult quest you cant! Take a few points out of con/str/dex so you can max your charisma, as it really is the most important stat for your bard. You dont need that many hp anyway, boxes dont fight back, and you should be able to heal yourself after whacking the exploders.
Pls pls pls stop hording all the rapiers out there. Rangers are the real finessable melee who need them. You are driving the price up on these weapons. Take your little scepters for potency and spell pen and stick in the back of the group.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and your continued determination at learning this game and remember, the next time you feel like killing something...
Just play your cute little lute with it's out of tune string and watch the reall killers show you how a good build can hack it.