I've been on my own version of a Walk-About and wanted to say Hello to the Peoples of Sarlona now that I have returned and gotten my land legs back.

Ahh, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I heard that somewhere and it surely applies to my situation. Even though I feel like Sinbad I'll promise that I didn't pick up any rare diseases, figments of the imagination, or bad vices other than a bad habit of using censored words while I play.

I chuckled so much this past weekend I can't wait to get back in-game.

My most recent port of call was a land designated Darkfall on the sea maps I discovered in a chest found deep in a dungeon. It was in this land that most of the people went around acting like mad men and women. They roamed the world on land and sea with cold hearts and blood pounding in their heads. When they spotted you they immediately attacked you in the hopes of defeating you and taking everything you owned down to your skivvies.

Trust me when I tell you that Sarlona's peoples are like a breath of fresh air. I chuckled when several people tried to chastize someone who was speaking derogatory language as that kind of thing, and worse, was commonplace in Darkfall. I feel civilized again!!

The hirelings made me chuckle also, and with great pleasure I set off on many adventures with a cute Elven Cleric in tow as I learned again how to interact, explore and adventure in these great looking lands.

Ahh, the quests. Very clever some of them are. "Purpose have I," as my friend Yoda would say. "Fun have I," I would respond. When I found a second puzzle deep inside a dungeon, and had to redirect energy to magic cold spraying machines that would keep a horrid beast under control, I cheered and applauded the person who created the story. If there are more quests this clever I will be wallowing in pleasure like a hog wallows in mud.

(Hands everyone a beer) Now that you know a little of my story I hope we can become friends. I'm anxious to learn more from fellow adventurers. Perhaps you'll even have time to share a story of things to come with me? That would be great.