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  1. #1

    Default So...II have this new namesave burning a hole...

    ...on my main account. Point is, what to do?

    I have 9 clerics. One is WF and one is a clogue (NOTE: many get rerolled for newbie helpin' I'll do a Monk/cleric at the next reroll)

    One "Battle" FvS TWF

    I have a 3 pally/7 fighter I rarely play. He is awesome, especially after respeccing for Kensai, but I dunno...

    I have one AOE sorcerer Which I adore (she's level 17). She doesn't get out much cuz of the lack of LFMs at her level. But she has ran the shroud/reaver/VOD several times.

    I have 3 pallys which I rarely play except for my level 17 one, cuz I keep thinking I can make a perfect Pally.

    I have one Rogue with a level of Ranger which I rarely play due to the fact she is a trapmonkey.

    I have one Wizard that I detest playing. After a sorcerer, I find a Wizzy lacking. Or I cannot play one.

    I have a Bard which I wish I played more.

    Then I have a ton of namesaves.

    I have already found out I hate to play barbarians, monks and pure rangers. So, something new. What haven't I done, outside the Monk/cleric thing-ee. WHich I will do with one of my 9 clerics. I love the ability to at least use healing wands, but I am not sure what to do.

    ANy Ideas? THis will be 32 pt. build, FYI.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  2. #2
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Why do you hate pure Rgrs?

    I was going to suggest taking a lesson from Thrudh(sp) and make a Dragon Marked Halfling healing specced Rgr.

    Could do the same with a Pal. Or Brd.

    (I made a Dragonmarked human Wiz to repair WF)

    One of these days I'll convince people an Invisible Cleric is worthwhile (Elf dragon marks) Even better with evasion. (mine is even steathy )

    A friend of mine makes Ftr builds with a splash of something that can use healing wands.

    With what I know about you you need a char that can either heal/CC or do both. So you can look after others and help them to help themselves...etc.

    I've been wanting to make a char with Clr7 or 9 in the build for awhile now. But can't really come up with a good one.

    For me, I like Rgrs, Rogs, Wizs(Sorcs), with stealth and evasion and TWF and a good ranged attack.

    You could always make a Rgr/Rog/Wiz.
    Last edited by Talon_Moonshadow; 09-28-2009 at 03:05 PM.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    Why do you hate pure Rgrs? I don't hate them, I just hate to PLAY them

    I was going to suggest taking a lesson from Thrudh(sp) and make a Dragon Marked Halfling healing specced Rgr. Halfling --shudders--

    Could do the same with a Pal. Or Brd.

    (I made a Dragonmarked human Wiz to repair WF)

    One of these days I'll convince people an Invisible Cleric is worthwhile (Elf dragon marks) Even better with evasion. (mine is even steathy )

    A friend of mine makes Ftr builds with a splash of something that can use healing wands.

    With what I know about you you need a char that can either heal/CC or do both. So you can look after others and help them to help themselves...etc.

    I've been wanting to make a char with Clr7 or 9 in the build for awhile now. But can't really come up with a good one.

    For me, I like Rgrs, Rogs, Wizs(Sorcs), with stealth and evasion and TWF and a good ranged attack.

    You could always make a Rgr/Rog/Wiz.
    There's a multiclass. I just dunno. I mean the WF tanking Wizzys sound fun... I jsut I dunno. That's why I am trying to get ideas.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  4. #4
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    There's a multiclass. I just dunno. I mean the WF tanking Wizzys sound fun... I jsut I dunno. That's why I am trying to get ideas.
    Well, I think Halflings are too short.

    WF are too tall, but I kinda like them.

    Dwarves are stumpy, and although a great race, not my style.

    My favorite is Elves.
    Followed closely by Drow and then WF.

    I really like the Elf Dragon marks (1&2 anyway)

    I like the human passage dragon marks too though.

    I've dabbled in every class, but I now know that Rgr, Rog, & Wiz are what I like.
    Combinations of those are fun too.

    I did finally make a Bard I like. But her spell DC is weak and disappointing.
    But I tried the max Cha Bard and that was also disappointing.
    She just couldn't live up to my CC Sorc.

    I like high Dex chars. TWF and they need to have a useful ranged attack.
    So Rgr 6 on any build is good IMO.

    One of my current favorites is a Monster varient.
    Rgr6/Mnk2/Ftr12. Elf with Dragon marks.
    This build has an ungodly amount of feats!

    Might Try Rgr6/Mnk2/Clr12
    or Rgr9/Clr11 or Rgr9/Clr9/Pal2

    I could come up with unusual ideas all day.
    But I guess it really come down to what do you enjoy most in DDO?
    What role do you want your char to play, and what skills do you want him to have?

    Make a list of what you like best on chars. And make a list of what race you like.
    And try to get something you will really like.

    My list is something like this.

    Classes: Rgr, Rog, Wiz(maybe Sor).....lesser degree Brd and Pal..esp Pal3.
    Races: Elf, Drow, WF, .....Human
    Skills/feats: Evasion, Stealth, TWF, good with Bow. Invisibility, Displacement,
    D Door. High Dex. Longsword, Rapier, Q-staff(did they ruin the cool 5th attack animation with this? )

    (I'm gonna go make two chars right now. 32pt Dragon Marked Elf Rgr6/Mnk2/Ftr12, and a Drow Rgr6/Rog7/Wiz7....both sneaky of course!)
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  5. #5
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    You mentioned you wish you could play your Bard more, so I'd vote to go for a Bard

    Elf 16 Bard (warchanter) / 2 Fighter or Ranger / 2 Rogue

    Scimitars as main weapons, but able to use any martial weapon as well as bows (and apply bow-strength).

    Dead sexy dual-wielding and a reasonably capable soloer.

  6. #6
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    combine your trapmonkey and wizard into a single character. Problem solved.

    Play your bard more.

    Then roll up this:
    pure sorcerer wf
    18 + level ups

    1) greatax
    3) Maximize
    6) extend
    9) toughness
    12) optional
    Last edited by spifflove; 10-07-2009 at 09:30 AM.

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