Now that Optins have gotten a revamp, it seems many of our High XP Quests have gotten a bump and many other quests that may not have been on the typical Power-Leveler gameplan have become a lot more Interesting....
What quests have you notices a Significantly better TIme Invested to XP Gain here with Mod 9? I'll go over a few that I've found while leveling my new FvS.
Delaras chain:
Always a Staple, but now the Optionals are well worth the few extra minutes per it takes to get them. One of th ebest XP/min quests in the game is even better. I didnt write down the XP per optonal, but it was enough to make me take th etime.
Von 1-4:
Again, another staple, but the optionals were always skipped. Von 3 in particular. 1500XP per optional 1st time (With a Potion goin) on normal. :EEK: COmbine that with a 20k+ Base XP with al the boosts and your looking at well over 30k potential.
Bloody Crypt:
Lots of optionals that you cant help but do... they were about 300-400xp each plus a solid base XP made this quest a pleasure to run. AND... and this is a BIG AND.... The quest got a MAJOR facelift for mod 9. It s MUCH easier to navigate now. The maps was restructured so there are not nearly as many splits and strangly placed walls and barrier. a good group can split up and do each side in no time and meet back in the middle to take out the vamp.
Shadow Crypt:
Solid Powergamer Powerleveling stop. ALl the XP its always had Plus about 1100 Per Optional. Awesome Xp if ya know the right path to rapid completions. Well worth the time to grasp the concept and blast through. Even if it takes doing the 4 entry quests to open up.
Caverns of Koromar:
Always a fun quest but since the XP was nerfed way back when it simply hasnt been worth the time. Optionals can now more than double the base XP of this quest. ANd theres a LOT of em. over 1000 XP simply for picking up some books off the ground? Thank you!
Tear of Dhakkan:
Always a favorite for Favor, but now the Optionals make it a great XP QUest as well. I gotta say, taking the itme to do the optionals pretty much made it a new quest. I dont think I had done the optionals since about mod 2.
Next on my agenda is the Dessert. I hear WIzard King has some sweet optional XP as well as Chains of Flame.
ANyone else find some other quests that made you say "Hey, Lets do the Optionals"?