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I'm neutral; paladin isn't an option (and it'd be a poor one, pal 1 only provides 1 save and 1 ac and one extremely weak smite evil)
monk 19 sucks, rogue 2 sucks (since you already have evasion)
the viable contenders are:
fighter: gain fighter toughness 1, fighter stunning blow 1 if you have that ability, 1x feat
ranger: gain 2 pt favored enemy evil outsider, ranger devotion I if you have healing dragonmarks, no extra hp
I chose fighter for the bonus hp and the feat, since wind stance is -con, and you're playing a relatively low ac dps type, having 200 less hp than a fighter is a little bit of a drawback.
There are certainly times I wish i had taken the ranger level for devotion I instead, but hte difference is minor at best.
I will post the build in this forum in a bit if you like, but both human and drow are significantly worse dps options, as halfling gain:
2 dex in enhancements
2 dex starting (easier to qualify for twf/ultimate wind)
8 damage worth of sneak attack (capping you at 1d6+19 with endgame gear and all enhancements)
the ability to qualify for healing dragonmarks (which i didnt consider at the time, but now am very glad I took)
The con penalty on drow (you dont want more -con, you already get -2 using wind stance) makes it a pretty poor choice imo, and human is vastly inferior to halfling as a dps outputter; 3 strength is not worth 4 dexterity + 8 sneak attack.