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  1. #1
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Default DDOcast Episode 136 (9-26-09)

    Hi everyone! Episode 136 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. This week's show features guest co-host Xiloscient, a look at grouping in Korthos with "Stormreach Lighthouse", the latest from Lessah on "Know Your Role", a new player guide to collectibles and resistance crafting on "Definitive Collectibles" along with an announcement about the "Miss Stormreach" competition and a parody ad "Subville." Thanks so much for listening!


    DDOcast Episode 136 (9-26-09)

    :15 Intro
    2:20 Europe Patch 1/
    3:25 Craig Alexander-GDC Austin (classes/races)
    5:00 Atari countersuit amendment/66,000
    8:40 Swear Filter Update
    9:45 My.DDSlow...
    11:20 Broccoli Meme
    12:15 Miss Stormreach Announcement by Lessah and Clankenbeard
    16:30 Permadeath runs on Thelanis
    17:10 DX11 for DDO
    20:05 DDO Herald iPhone app
    21:30 DDO contests
    22:20 Press Roundup/Console MMO/Playspan DDO Store
    28:33 Subville
    31:22 Know Your Role
    36:48 Stormreach Lighthouse
    44:21 Definitive Collectibles
    52:08 Fuluge's Cost Writeup
    52:50 Sirgog's Adventure Reviews
    53:20 Knights of Blackmoore New Player runs
    54:35 Misadventures of Mustardo
    55:00 Moment of Silence Veterans Day
    56:40 Emails


    TOTAL TIME: 1:01:32


    LINK to's interview with Turbine exec Craig Alexander.

    LINK to Atari's amended lawsuit against Turbine.

    LINK to Lessah and Clankenbeard's Miss Stormreach event.

    LINK to AMD's press release about its DX11 video card.

    LINK to DDO Herald info.

    LINK to Turbine's Threnal video.

    LINK to Massive Online Gamer's permadeath interview with Lessah.

    LINK to review.

    LINK to DDO re-review.

    LINK to Gamasutra business model article.

    LINK to Kotaku article about console MMOs.

    LINK to the Playspan-DDO Store article by BusinessWireIndia.

    LINK to VG247 article about Turbine's console development costs.

    LINK to Bio Break's permadeath article.

    LINK to Fuluge's F2P costs article.

    LINK to Sirgog's excellent Adventure Pack writeup.

    LINK to Season 2, Episode 1 of the Magnificent Misadventures of Mustardo.

    LINK to Bekki's Veterans Day Moment of Silence info.

    LINK to C-Major's music blog.

    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  2. #2


    Hey, Jerry. Thanks for the mention!

  3. #3

    Default lessah = noob!

    Thanks to you Lighthouse guys!!! I never knew that about the Korthos Island!!!!

    Great job again on the show!
    Last edited by Lessah; 09-27-2009 at 11:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Salome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    Thanks you Lighthouse guys!!! I never knew that about the Korthos Island!!!!

    Great job again on the show!

    with special thanks to Tolero.

  5. #5
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Yeah, I really appreciate you two doing the Stormreach Lighthouse. It's the perfect segment at the right time and is a real good new thing for DDOcast.
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  6. #6
    Community Member firesnakearies77's Avatar
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    Another great episode, if a bit shorter. I liked it.

    The new Lighthouse segment is nice, too. I hope it continues.

  7. #7
    Community Member sunkenfaith's Avatar
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    sweet! I love DDOcast!!

    Kristalyn | Fiyn | Xiyn
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  8. #8
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    The misadventures of...?
    HHMMM, it seems that the "Misadventures of Laggin" has had its named copied? I've been making them for over 2 years now, so what gives? Not that I have the market cornered on the name, but...
    Be creative and make your own name!

  9. #9
    Community Member JakLee7's Avatar
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    Good as usual but it did seem a bit shorter today - checked the time & it was short it also seemed to move along quickly as well which made it more obvious I think.

    However 1 small complaint. With the lack of a Khyber presence on the show I expect that Khyber things are not mentioned as much, but to totally leave out Khyber as a server on the show today, well, that is just too much!

    So I politely request some sort of addition of a segment to the show about Khyber - drama from the dragon below or something......
    - my reputation says nuetral, my character sheet says Chaotic Good!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    if grief for you is a few minutes of a pumpkinheaded player in a videogame, you must live in a palace of naked women made of chocolate and money.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JakLee7 View Post
    Good as usual but it did seem a bit shorter today - checked the time & it was short it also seemed to move along quickly as well which made it more obvious I think.

    However 1 small complaint. With the lack of a Khyber presence on the show I expect that Khyber things are not mentioned as much, but to totally leave out Khyber as a server on the show today, well, that is just too much!

    So I politely request some sort of addition of a segment to the show about Khyber - drama from the dragon below or something......
    I've actually had a lot of shows that go about an hour, although it's been a little while since the last one. I try to get the show between one hour and an hour and a half, but don't always hit that mark.

    You are right about Khyber! We used to have a Khyber presence on the show, but I don't think anyone currently doing stuff with the show on a regular basis plays on Khyber. It's an oversight that I hope to get fixed soon.
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  11. #11
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Thanks for the Mention Jerry.

    I will touch base when we get closer to the event ,
    and I will be sure to send you some screenshots
    and let you know how it goes.

    I Love the new Light house segment.

    It is a great thing you guys are doing for the new players.

    Keep up the Outstanding work!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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  12. #12
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Hah! Lessah...funny. I lost a level seven pure rogue to a 118-pt exploding barrel and another player lost his level eight multi-bard. In both cases we were full hit points. If you don't have a lot of hit points those barrels can basically be save-or-die. And as my rogue in heaven now knows well, good reflex saves are no guarantee...

    Stay Hard.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    Hah! Lessah...funny. I lost a level seven pure rogue to a 118-pt exploding barrel and another player lost his level eight multi-bard. In both cases we were full hit points. If you don't have a lot of hit points those barrels can basically be save-or-die. And as my rogue in heaven now knows well, good reflex saves are no guarantee...

    Stay Hard.
    And as a cleric to us non pd'ers, let me say this as well: lava can also kill. I have seen a number of lava deaths. It can be hard to keep someone alive who is fighting a monster while standing in lava...
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  14. #14
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    pfft ...
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
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  15. #15
    Community Member Akkim's Avatar
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    As someone who's had a lot of fun with the Broccoli Meme - thanks for the mention and giving us a little bump in traffic =)


  16. #16
    Community Member JakLee7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mockduck View Post
    I've actually had a lot of shows that go about an hour, although it's been a little while since the last one. I try to get the show between one hour and an hour and a half, but don't always hit that mark.

    You are right about Khyber! We used to have a Khyber presence on the show, but I don't think anyone currently doing stuff with the show on a regular basis plays on Khyber. It's an oversight that I hope to get fixed soon.
    Well I happen to know some players on khyber......I have a bit of xp in the whole dramitic arts....I would happily crash your show, uh I mean come on the show and share something.... well actually I am not very interesting so maybe we should find someone with something to actually say.... I could enervate Asketes to the face though, that is always fun to watch.
    - my reputation says nuetral, my character sheet says Chaotic Good!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    if grief for you is a few minutes of a pumpkinheaded player in a videogame, you must live in a palace of naked women made of chocolate and money.

  17. #17
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JakLee7 View Post
    Good as usual but it did seem a bit shorter today - checked the time & it was short it also seemed to move along quickly as well which made it more obvious I think.

    However 1 small complaint. With the lack of a Khyber presence on the show I expect that Khyber things are not mentioned as much, but to totally leave out Khyber as a server on the show today, well, that is just too much!

    So I politely request some sort of addition of a segment to the show about Khyber - drama from the dragon below or something......
    Well, at least there's a reference to a forum post by a Khyber player (my adventure pack reviews) in there, even if it has less drama than you might expect.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by ferd View Post
    The misadventures of...?

    HHMMM, it seems that the "Misadventures of Laggin" has had its named copied? I've been making them for over 2 years now, so what gives? Not that I have the market cornered on the name, but...
    Be creative and make your own name!
    I'll assume that you're referring to me and my webcomic; if you are not and I have misunderstood you, please disregard the following rebuttal.

    Forgive my ignorance, but I have never even heard about this "Misadventures of Laggin", let alone been able to find anything about it aside from this post, which doesn't really say much. If you have been "making them for over two years now", I find it hard to believe that I have never noticed it before. In other words, don't flatter yourself; you had absolutely no influence on the name of my comic.

    Secondly, you claim that I have "copied" a name that you created long ago. This accusation is based on one similar word, that being "misadventures". I find that to be so ridiculous, I can't even think of a proper defense against it. Come on, dude. Really? It's called "The Magnificent Misadventures of Mustardo", A.K.A. M3. Yours is called "The Misadventures of Laggin". What's that one more commonly known as? M+L? I might as well just accuse you of copying my last post because yours also included the letter E.

    I don't mean to turn this thread into an argument, but why are you making these frivolous accusations? Heck, even if I did "copy" the name from you, it would be quite a bit more creative if only for the effort to include alliteration. I don't see what you're getting at. Or why I'm even bothering to counter your last post.

    That is all.

  19. #19
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JakLee7 View Post
    Well I happen to know some players on khyber......I have a bit of xp in the whole dramitic arts....I would happily crash your show, uh I mean come on the show and share something.... well actually I am not very interesting so maybe we should find someone with something to actually say.... I could enervate Asketes to the face though, that is always fun to watch.
    I'd love to have you on the show, but I have to admit that I'm not really sure about segments just about the different servers. We don't currently have segments dedicated to what's going on on X server, mostly because I'm not really interested in that kind of thing. I'd rather have someone do a segment about something else and be FROM Khyber, able to weigh in on stuff and tout their Khyber roots, ya know?

    But I'm open to just about whatever on the show, so if you can make it interesting to a wide audience (aka - not just for Khyber folks), send it in!
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  20. #20
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Oh, and I'm not getting involved in the misadventures debate. Although I would say that the Misadventures of ____ is fairly common in literature and the like, so it kinda seems like more of an odd coincidence than anything else. A quick google search of "misadventures of" turned up 1.45 million results....also, double alliteration like "marvelous misadventures of" was pretty common as well.
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

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