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  1. #41

    Default oh noes!

    Quote Originally Posted by TehSilence View Post
    Hmm... just curious... has anyone ever seen Deadgirl and Cellimas in the same place at the same time?

    Just sayin'...
    It's NOT Dead Girl whom she cannot be in the same room with!!!

    It's THIS girl.....

    Drusen d' Jorasco!

    Here is a close up (again) of Cellemas

    Here is your Deadgirl!

    As you can see.. these are all very different women!!!

    So... anyone want to nominate Druden d'Jorasco? As she is NOT.. I repeat NOT Cellemas or Deadgirl!
    Last edited by Lessah; 09-28-2009 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #42
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    It does seem like there's a lot of similar-looking women in Stormreach. I think there must have been an NPC out there who was busy hanging out with someone or other about 20 years ago....
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  3. #43
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Definitely got to go with the succubus us bad gals got to stick together
    gals that stick together iz muh fav'rit.

    I've got a nominee in mind, will have to go ask her for a pic before hinting who she is...
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #44
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clankenbeard View Post
    Stepp! (That's not a typo, by the way. "Untied" seems a bit more appropriate than "United".) It's true. Clanky has been AWOL for a spell. But now I'm BACK!...with a vengeance...and this time it's for real...and it's personal...and heads are gonna LOL! I think we are like three of a remaining 6 Stormbringers. It's like our storm got downgraded into a Tropical Depression and then went to Mexico. We need to re-bring the storm or I need to find another guild.

    Maybe I'll start my own Guild--"The Tough Beards" or "The Clankenbrood" or "Mybutts Dragon" or something equally stupid. It would be a guild only for players who are serious about taking nothing seriously. You know--only for people who laugh at casual gamers for spending up to 2 hours a week playing DDo. Hmmmm... Maybe my guild won't even allow you to play. If you do anything more than join the guild, you get kicked out and have to delete your character. No questing at all! Don't even think about checking you mailbox. I'll call it the game's first PermaLoaf guild. Maybe you can eat Brocolli. I don't know. If I call a guild meeting to discuss it, I'll get kicked out.

    Who wants in?

    Are we allowed to stand for hours window-shopping the AH, browsing thru the leet stuff knowing full well the coppers in our pockets can't even get us a screenie of the gear, let alone an accepted bid?
    I might qualify....
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #45

    Default Tmi

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Are we allowed to stand for hours window-shopping the AH, browsing thru the leet stuff knowing full well the coppers in our pockets can't even get us a screenie of the gear, let alone an accepted bid?
    I might qualify....
    CD! You posted in the forums! You're out! Dangit. Now I'm out. *Sigh*. Stop derailing this thread!

  6. #46

    Default Adia???

    Quote Originally Posted by Maetrim View Post
    I nominate Aida from the Wavecrest tavern, pre Korthos.

    She looks hot in her Necklace.
    Has anyone even seen Aidia lately? Where did she go?

  7. #47
    Community Member Jonny_D's Avatar
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    My Nomination... She beats out Succubus because she doesnt have "scaley" parts

    Inquisitor "Sarah" Lightbringer,

    1. Height 5ft 7inches /weight 10 stone/age 25
    2. Where they are from: Sarah to her friends was born and raised in Stormreach to missionary parents, after getting training in the ways of a paladin in Khorvaire she has returned to her home city to protect it from evil.
    3. Occupation: KICKING AXE AGAINST EVIL, as an Inquisitor travels around making contacts protecting the innocent and rooting out evil in all its forms, especially Vampires and Succubi
    4. Talent: Smiting Evil, Laying on Hands, Yoddeling
    5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach: She seeks to show that world that it is possible to be beatiful and successful while maintaining a high moral standard and not compromising lifestyle choices as is the norm for many young females in a port city like Stormreach (something she witnessed growing as a missionary kid). Also the high profile of a pagent winner will allow more exposure to the charities the Silver Flame sponsors in Stormreach.

    Last edited by Jonny_D; 09-30-2009 at 12:49 AM.

  8. #48

    Default done!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny_D View Post
    My Nomination... She beats out Succubi because she doesnt have "scaley" parts

    I have added the Inquisiter to the Line up in the second post in the thread... and Yeah, she's kinda the total package eh? Smoking hot, vanquishes evil, gives out goodies... it just gets better and better!
    Oh and thanks for doing my head shots work for me!!!!!
    Last edited by Lessah; 09-29-2009 at 10:38 AM.

  9. #49
    Community Member Jonny_D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    I have added the Inquisiter to the Line up in the second post in the thread... and Yeah, she's kinda the total package eh? Smoking hot, vanquishes evil, gives out goodies... it just gets better and better!
    Oh and thanks for doing my head shots work for me!!!!!
    What can I say I like church girls

  10. #50
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    I've got a nominee in mind, will have to go ask her for a pic before hinting who she is...

    K. Well, it was a long conversation, with much pleading and begging...

    But after finally untying me, Seld allowed me these couple shots and her permission to submit her (she glared at me daring me to make a joke of it) for the contest.

    Therefore, my nominee:

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  11. #51

    Default so YOUR Cd...

    I have updated the second post to include Miss Seld. How did you get her? She is so secretive!!!!

  12. #52
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Default Cellemas FTW

    Cellemas is the one for sure.


    .....Followed by the Demon Queen herself as runner up. Men and women alike seem to want to lay down right in front of her the minute she gets close.

  13. #53
    Community Member Xenus_Paradox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Cellemas is the one for sure.


    .....Followed by the Demon Queen herself as runner up. Men and women alike seem to want to lay down right in front of her the minute she gets close.
    Six hands... imagine the possibilities.
    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    if you want a challange, grab 5 strangers, park them at the quest entrance and then solo the quest

    if you want even more challange, let those 5 help you

  14. #54
    Community Member GhostNull's Avatar
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    Well, since the Succubus from website images is being nominated, then why not the graceful Archon from the loading screen!

    I nominate this angelic beauty...

    Well, time to have a crack at this I suppose...

    Where are they from:
    Plane of Battle - Shavarath

    As a Trumpet Archon (as she appears to be) she's a Messenger, a Herald

    Able to usher in warriors for battle with high spirits and has incredible martial skills.

    Why they want to be Miss Stormreach:
    She joined the pageant when word came to the Archon Host that a devil, a Succubus had traveled to the mortal world and was apparently nominated for an archaic contest of beauty. They suspect the Succubus may be here as nothing but a decoy for some larger plan the devils might have. However, after learning the amount of influence one would gain by winning the contest, the Archons fear the power over mortals the Succubus would achieve by obtaining such a victory. It's bad enough there are mortals running around, distracted from real threats by having their heads in the clouds chasing ethereal Succubi. Therefore as a way of keeping tabs on this she-devil and take action if she were to win, the Archons sent one of their own...

    That's all I got, feel free to add/change it Lessah
    Last edited by GhostNull; 10-01-2009 at 12:10 PM.

  15. #55
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    I have updated the second post to include Miss Seld. How did you get her? She is so secretive!!!!

    Even CD is not without a few small trinkets of charm.

    (Bracers of Charm Person, Gloves of Charm Person, Necklace of Charm Person....)
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by GhostNull View Post
    Well, since the Succubus from website images is being nominated, then why not the graceful Archon from the loading screen!

    I nominate this angelic beauty...

    Done! I put her in the headshot thread!

  17. #57

    Thumbs up Website Updated...a little.

    Everysbody! Great suggestions. I have updated the website at a lttle bit. I've fixed the "Contestants" page so that it now shows the entire list of names. Three are functional in that they show an image of the contestant.

    I would like to put a short blurb on each contestant for:
    1. Height/weight/age
    2. Where they are from
    3. Occupation
    4. Talent
    5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach

    If you nominated a lovely lady, throw us a bone. Go back to yor nomination post and add this info. It's still wiiiide open for which contestants are going into the final rounds.

    Clanky's backstage pass has been laminated. And the rules now clearly state that all succubi must keep their wings fully folded in the dressing rooms. I would hate to see that "incident" happen again (for such a short time before everything got obscured by succubus wings!)

    Listen to this weekend for updates! Long live Jerry! (as long as he is promoting our cheesy entertainment venue.)

  18. #58

    Default Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the immortal words of Ron Steinman via Patti Russo:

    STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We will NOT be including the age weight and height of our ladies... I imagine the Succubus is shamefully old anyway!

    Here is the deal... If you nominated someone, you have exactly 24 hours to post these things:
    Where they are from
    Why they want to be Miss Stormreach

    Otherwise... I see it as a broad interpretation and I get to have my crack team of writers start "making things up!"

    Now get ye flask!!!!!!!

    ((the above reference to Patti Russo is explained HERE if you did not already know!))
    Last edited by Lessah; 09-30-2009 at 06:17 PM.

  19. #59
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    Where they are from
    Edlin's egg was hatched in the lovely Stormreach Harbour (image of a hatchery can be taken from Stealthy Repossession, can't provide one myself since my PD rogue died yesterday). Where she by a young age had charmed all male Kobolds from her tribe. This of course was not well received by the rest of the females so they kicked her out.
    This lead to her travels as a Sorcerer for hire and eventually she had amassed great wealth. Among her equipment was several items of the finest greensteel (which will become an important part of her campaign).

    After returning to the Harbour she saw a lot of unskilled sorcerers who required guidance. They would after all (without knowing it) help her get revenge on her former tribesmen (also, some are incredibly cute males!). It was a win-win situation.


    * summoning
    Makes excellent trash mobs in quests!

    * Cooking (Marshmallow roasting...)
    Firewalls make excellent campfires! Well, unless you're undead like some of her competitors...

    * Armour & weapon dyes
    She disliked the look of her greensteel so she started modifying it to look more fashionable. She succeeded and now her greensteel looks different from other greensteel items.

    Why they want to be Miss Stormreach
    * Provide more Harbor quests. (she's already been doing some, see "Haverdasher" "Home Sweet Sewer" and "Arachnophobia")
    * Armour & weapon dyes to the people!

    * Support of Skrapps Kobold Army
    After loosing the Mayoral election Skrapps promised to gather a Kobold army and stuff the voting bins with votes in the next one. He might do so for Miss Stormreach
    Last edited by Adoraro; 10-01-2009 at 03:45 AM.

  20. #60
    Community Member Pirate-Jake's Avatar
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    Edlin has my vote!!!
    Thelanis |Armament, The Battle Tank - Roderwick Thunderbeard - Daihazu Vor|
    "She's got everything I need. Pharmacy keys, She's fallen hard for me, I see it in her eyes, she acts just like a nurse, around all the other guys."
    - Failure, The Nurse who Loved Me

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