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  1. #121
    Community Member dv8maker123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    I'll have you know that I grab screenies of Whisperdoom WHILE playing permadeath. The other players... they did not understand.

    I also added the CUBE as a possible contestant, but I am waiting for Fred's Decision.

    LMAO, you are insane (but in a good way)...but I have to admit, thats a really good screenie . Did you manage that one in TR or her lair? (if you did it in her lair while doing PD then you are certifiably insane, and I will be extremely impressed)
    Fearnando El Fantastico-Human Bard, Enchanter of the Ladies/Thermostat-WF Wizard/ Morbyd Bones-Drow Wizard/Metic-Drow Cleric/Kegstand McGuinness-Dwarf Barbarian/Winterbeard-Dwarf Ranger/Syphus Darkblade-Halfling Procurer of Someone Elses Stuff

  2. #122

    Default There's Always Room!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
    Hmmmm. I wonder what that might look like? If only somebody would cook up some sorta digitally manipulated image of this.

    Hellllloooooo. Memnir? Li'l help. You paying attention to this? There's only so much you can do with brocolli. Don't make Clanky beat you to this punch. Because they don't call me "One Punch Clanky" for nuthin'. (Actually I think it's "Punch Drunk Clanky", but to me it's close enough.)

    And to you Dreamy Cube, what kind of tagline is "I Eat Dreams?!?" How ya gonna eat dreams? Try eatin' mine! Ya can't. My INT is so low that I'm just barely able to carry out the minimum number of autonomic functions to stay alive. I have to decide daily whether I want to sweat or blink. I ain't got the processing power for dreams. So do your worst! I'd laugh at yer feeble attempts, but that would probably shut down my endocrine system.

    Dreamy Cube wants in the pageant? I say let her/him/it in! I'll go slap Fred around a bit until he/she/it agrees. He doesn't have trouble getting inside my head. But he typically gets frustrated once he's in. It's like looking for clear marble in an olympic sized pool. He's pretty much worthless to me. I only went there once because I though he swapped out "feets" and I wanted a pair of warforged boots so I could both sound clanky when I walk and run away faster at the fist sign of trouble.
    Last edited by Clankenbeard; 10-07-2009 at 03:52 PM. Reason: Added +5% Awesomeness

  3. #123
    Community Member Jonny_D's Avatar
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    im all for equal opportunity... well actually Im not. If the entry period stays open much longer every female/person of undefined gender NPC will be entered in this contest

  4. #124

    Default Cube is in.

    Right. So the cube showed up over at our pageant planning headquarters--the Leaky Lobster. And he/she/it made a very convincing case for entering the upcoming event. By this I mean it threatened to eat the alcohol. While I can appreciate the novelty of the world's largest Jello shot, I couldn't be sure it would taste any good. So I caved.

    So, the cube will be in the pageant he/she/it isn't listed as a contestant yet, but it's doing a right cute little wobbly jig with Morah on the Audio tab of! You go cube! Hmmm. Somehow I though it would be biggger. Maybe supple also equates to compressible. Somebody bring over a giant sand casting mould of a hot chick and we'll do this cube up right for the pageant!
    Last edited by Clankenbeard; 10-08-2009 at 07:47 AM.

  5. #125
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    LOL @ margurite's sound bytes on the miss stormreach page!

  6. #126
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    Ooze/ Pudding/ slime? Snow me ooze lady parts! Supple lips, rich, velvety voice, long legs... heck ANY apendages at all!
    Show me a sentient being... and I will show you a candidate! Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
    Well, ever since the Dreamy Cube became popular, the paparrazi has been out in force gathering photos for Cube! The Magazine, Perez d' and The National Inquisition. This shot may be illegal in some states:

    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  7. #127
    Community Member dv8maker123's Avatar
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    Hello Kitty and a Rubic's Cube.....that cube has some fresh style.

    I don't think I'll ever be able to watch a bikini contest the same way again....
    Fearnando El Fantastico-Human Bard, Enchanter of the Ladies/Thermostat-WF Wizard/ Morbyd Bones-Drow Wizard/Metic-Drow Cleric/Kegstand McGuinness-Dwarf Barbarian/Winterbeard-Dwarf Ranger/Syphus Darkblade-Halfling Procurer of Someone Elses Stuff

  8. #128

    Default Omg!

    I am still laughing!

    Jerry I can only give so much Rep a day!

    That is very very funny!

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    Jerry I can only give so much Rep a day!
    I gave him some for you.

  10. #130
    Community Member dv8maker123's Avatar
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    you know...I did something that should have done long before...since this is such a great idea.

    +1 to Lessah for what has been the most entertaining thread for me in a long time (ok, the broc pics have been rather good too). I wonder what would happen if Donald Trump ever got his paws on this pageant...
    Fearnando El Fantastico-Human Bard, Enchanter of the Ladies/Thermostat-WF Wizard/ Morbyd Bones-Drow Wizard/Metic-Drow Cleric/Kegstand McGuinness-Dwarf Barbarian/Winterbeard-Dwarf Ranger/Syphus Darkblade-Halfling Procurer of Someone Elses Stuff

  11. #131

    Exclamation Incoming!!!!

    I am scared and confused by Mockduck/Jerry's Dreamy Cube image.
    1. The Cube is uber creepy in that getup.
    2. Did somebody raid Clanky's underwear drawer? (It's a 12-man raid in case you are interested and you have to gather 20 bits of tatters before you can even attempt it.) Those undies seem very familiar.
    3. Clanky can work a 3x3x3 Rubix Cube in 2 minutes. Best time = 1:26! 5x5x5 takes about 15 minutes. Can anybody else with an 8 INT do that?
    At least Dreamy Cube's measurements are easy to remember 10'x10'x10'.

    Now for a spoiler! Lessah has been busting her buns with new audio for the pageant. She has had at least 7 different people doing lines for her with a few more yet to submit. This weekend on the DDoCast 138, Morah interviews a whole new slew of contestants. This includes Velah, Mari Mosshand, Seld the Grey Sister, Whisperdoom, Evi Joss, Thadine Bedeire, Erthyn Veridyn. So listen to Jerry's podcast late Saturday for everything. Thanks in advance to everyone for pitching in with audio!

    I'll post the new audio on the site on Sunday afternoon. I'll try to have my next "Newspaper Article" for The Guardian posted up there before then. The pageant is really shaping up. Maybe I'll go try to get an interview with the Dreamy Cube or Delera.

    p.s. Yes, please rep Jerry for his artsyfartsyness. Ahem. Anyone see that hillarious picture of Fred as an American Idol judge? Where? Oh. Right here. It was hillarious. Yeah. I know. I know. Somebody worked really hard on that. Right. Hillarious.
    Last edited by Clankenbeard; 10-09-2009 at 02:07 PM.

  12. #132

    Default wow!

    Morah has been working ALL day on these interviews! I hope you listen and check it out!
    I am still working with my producers to get some comments from the Dreamy Cube!
    Don't worry! We will get there!


    This is the LAST week to nominate anyone! After Friday, Clankenbeard and Judges will select the ladies who advance to the final round!!!!!

    ((I hope you are all having fun! I am working hard to make you laugh and smile!))

  13. #133
    Community Member bjlinden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rherton View Post
    LOL @ margurite's sound bytes on the miss stormreach page!
    Haha, yeah, I thought the same thing.

    I haven't had much free time lately, and I MEANT to do like Clankenbeard's message said, and come back and write up a quick bio since I was the one who nominated her, but when I finally had the chance to try to do so, I saw the interview was already up, and Lessah got it better than anything I could have written up! It captured exactly the sort of "out of place" feeling I would have wanted it to.

    That being said, I think the ol' girl still has a chance! Sure, she may be a ghastly, incorporeal, eternally tortured monstrosity, but since discovering the secret of the Duality an becoming a wraith, she has one advantage none of the other contestants do...

    "The void consumes the flame. The flame consumes the nothingness. Both consume WAY too many calories. The path lies between."

    It kinda' makes sense, when you think about it. Have you ever seen a chubby undead?


    Anyway, all that aside, I do have one more nomination. Well, technically it's not *my* nomination, since I've already seen her mentioned at least twice in this thread so far, but she hasn't shown up on the site yet, so I figured a little reminder was in order.

    How about none other than the Demon Queen herself, Lailat!

    Especially when you consider that she just got herself the epic treatment on Lamannia, I figure she's gotta' be ready for a big comeback!

  14. #134
    Community Member bjlinden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dv8maker123 View Post
    Hello Kitty and a Rubic's Cube.....that cube has some fresh style.
    Oh yeah, and sorry for the double-post, but I couldn't just let this one slide...

    I wouldn't say The Cube has some fresh style; it would be more appropriate to say that she has good taste. Namely, whoever was wearing that swimsuit last. I bet they tasted GREAT!

  15. #135
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mockduck View Post
    Well, ever since the Dreamy Cube became popular, the paparrazi has been out in force gathering photos for Cube! The Magazine, Perez d' and The National Inquisition. This shot may be illegal in some states:

    That is an artiist's rendition as the cube is hard to shoot. The only photos are of the cube's car:
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  16. #136
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjlinden View Post
    Oh yeah, and sorry for the double-post, but I couldn't just let this one slide...

    I wouldn't say The Cube has some fresh style; it would be more appropriate to say that she has good taste. Namely, whoever was wearing that swimsuit last. I bet they tasted GREAT!
    I bet you are right! It's called the small hallway discount...
    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  17. #137

    Exclamation Scandal!

    The DDo Succubus was recently accused of magical augmentation. HERE! Before and after images are in the latest article written by yours truly for The Guardian.

    Morah better come up with an address for these jokers. I'm writing articles (which you can see on the website) for them, but I don't see how they're going to get printed and dispersed in game if I can't find their bloody address!

  18. #138
    Community Member dv8maker123's Avatar
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    LMAO Clankenbeard....that was a nice twist....I have to say though...I'm all for her new look. Some dames can just pull it off.

    And good job on the new interviews. I never knew Whisperdoom was such a family oriented lady. Almost makes me feel bad about impaling her...almost.
    And I learned a valuable thing...don't ask beholders for directions!!!! (unless they are behind the counter of a gas station, in which case it might work).
    Fearnando El Fantastico-Human Bard, Enchanter of the Ladies/Thermostat-WF Wizard/ Morbyd Bones-Drow Wizard/Metic-Drow Cleric/Kegstand McGuinness-Dwarf Barbarian/Winterbeard-Dwarf Ranger/Syphus Darkblade-Halfling Procurer of Someone Elses Stuff

  19. #139

    Default haha!

    Quote Originally Posted by dv8maker123 View Post
    LMAO Clankenbeard....that was a nice twist....I have to say though...I'm all for her new look. Some dames can just pull it off.

    And good job on the new interviews. I never knew Whisperdoom was such a family oriented lady. Almost makes me feel bad about impaling her...almost.
    And I learned a valuable thing...don't ask beholders for directions!!!! (unless they are behind the counter of a gas station, in which case it might work).
    Thanks! I worked really hard on those, I thought they were pretty funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by bjlinden View Post
    Haha, yeah, I thought the same thing.

    Anyway, all that aside, I do have one more nomination. Well, technically it's not *my* nomination, since I've already seen her mentioned at least twice in this thread so far, but she hasn't shown up on the site yet, so I figured a little reminder was in order.

    How about none other than the Demon Queen herself, Lailat!

    Especially when you consider that she just got herself the epic treatment on Lamannia, I figure she's gotta' be ready for a big comeback!
    I am working on it! The Queen is hard to get! And she does not return calls!

  20. #140
    Community Member Thaldon's Avatar
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    My vote is for Dead Girl.

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