hmmmm, NOW i know why i've been seeing lessah and clanky showing up at the top of the guild roster. should have known you had something brewing.
hmmmm, NOW i know why i've been seeing lessah and clanky showing up at the top of the guild roster. should have known you had something brewing.
Stepp! (That's not a typo, by the way. "Untied" seems a bit more appropriate than "United".) It's true. Clanky has been AWOL for a spell. But now I'm BACK!...with a vengeance...and this time it's for real...and it's personal...and heads are gonna LOL! I think we are like three of a remaining 6 Stormbringers. It's like our storm got downgraded into a Tropical Depression and then went to Mexico. We need to re-bring the storm or I need to find another guild.
Maybe I'll start my own Guild--"The Tough Beards" or "The Clankenbrood" or "Mybutts Dragon" or something equally stupid. It would be a guild only for players who are serious about taking nothing seriously. You know--only for people who laugh at casual gamers for spending up to 2 hours a week playing DDo. Hmmmm... Maybe my guild won't even allow you to play. If you do anything more than join the guild, you get kicked out and have to delete your character. No questing at all! Don't even think about checking you mailbox. I'll call it the game's first PermaLoaf guild. Maybe you can eat Brocolli. I don't know. If I call a guild meeting to discuss it, I'll get kicked out.
Who wants in?![]()
Clankenbeard - The Ultimate Clerical Error
YouTube Videos Twitter? Fake DDo Comercials Site Wandering Monster Animated Site
DDo Cocktail Hour with Lessah & Samius DDoCast podcast
I can't believe what the succubus said about same sex marriage =(
There's a fine line between ignorance and arrogance and only I can cross that line.
Are you sure? I mean... I do not know if the competition can handle this:
Yeah.... those are REAL! I didn't believe it either! I will speak to her agent, but... she is really hard to get ahold of!
Now... on to this one!
I did not think she would make the grade... but on closer inspection....
Deadgirl is Pretty Cute!
I have posed the headshots of all the ladies in the second post in this thread!!!!
We can do better Stormreach!!! Keep em coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Lessah; 09-27-2009 at 11:51 PM.
It was not long after he escaped Khorthos that he came upon the most beautiful being in the whole Harbour district. She is a mighty adventurer that after several years of charming her way through various adventures came back to her birthplace, the Harbour, to teach up and coming Sorcerers how to do it.
Yip! Yip! Kasquik the Mighty brings you the winner! Edlin the Kobold Sorceress*:
To prove this nomination Kasquik set out to question all the important people in the harbour.
This is a transcript of his visit to the Den of the Kobold Borthers:
(Say): Kasquik says, 'How do you feel about Edlin down by the docks?'
(Say): Kobold Warrior says, 'Yark! Yark!' **
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Edlin the Kobold Sorceress is nominated for the Miss Stormreach pageant. How do you feel about that?'
(Say): Kobold says, 'You steal our treasures? We steal your blood!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'No, no, a pageant is not about stealing the participants. What would you do if Edlin didn't win?'
(Say): Kobold says, 'Kobolds never forget! Kobolds always hate you!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'No, no, Edlin won't be taken away! It's just a competition to see who is the prettiest.'
(Say): Kobold Chieftain says, 'Kobolds should stick together....'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Yip! Yip!'
(Say): Kobold says, 'Yark! Yark!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Thanks for the interview!'
* With maxed out charisma!
** "Yark" can have multiple meanings depending on tone of voice. In this case it means "Hawt!"
I spoke to Eldin and I do not speak Kobold, so I didn't get much out of him.... er.. HER. I can't figure out of she is a SHE or not. I need to consult someone familiar with Kobolds. Someone with intimate knowledge of Kobold Female anatomy.
Godscuttle blushed furiously and would not comment on the matter, the other favored soul trainer told me to bugger off, and after several drinks in the tavern. ... Skraps (the bouncer in the Wayward Lobster) finally told me that "He wouldn't mind getting him a peice of that!"
Who am I to judge the standards of beauty by silly things like race or whether or not you have a pulse! (re: Deadgirl)
I will submit Eldins headshot for judging!
I can't believe no one has nominated Evi Joss yet. OK, I nominate Evi Joss she has that Megan Foxx thing going.
Last edited by Draclaud; 09-28-2009 at 10:46 AM.
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
I nominate Aida from the Wavecrest tavern, pre Korthos.
She looks hot in her Necklace.
Loot - Maetrim "Completionist" - Additional past lives in progress. (life 26)
Originally from european Devourer server.
What about Scarlett!?
Surely we can do something for that "poor, innocent"
girl who so wrongly had her reputation demeaned
by That Disreputable Lord Goodblade!?
I Vote for Scarlett!
Of course... Celemas and the succubus are cuties too...
Oh dear, this is going to be tough...![]()
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Mari.... stoneblade? I forget. I mean she lots a lot of weight and lost that dwarfish figure she used to have. The girl that gives the new people to Stormreach the small gem and collectable sacks.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
heck clank...if you want a loafer non-questing guild, we're already IN one! i see drevvy logging in from time to time, he definitely qualifies![]()
I think Tattered Alice should be a judge.
She can read auras ya know.
This space for Rent
I'd like to submit Ms Jana, the Lost Barmaid of Tangle Root. The poor dear was let go from her job. She missed her shift at the One-Eared Bugbear after getting lost in the wilds of the gorge picking lily petals. Desperate for a 2nd chance in life, please give Miss Jana your consideration and support.
Order of the Silver Dragons
Theranus - Indomitabilis - Grisby - Snyval
A few nominees here so bare with me!
Charollete the Scarlet
Mari Mosshand
Last edited by Lessah; 09-28-2009 at 04:10 PM.
Hmm... just curious... has anyone ever seen Deadgirl and Cellimas in the same place at the same time?
Just sayin'...
Shoot first. There's no need to ask questions.
I just want everything to go my way and I want to break something when it doesn't.