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  1. #1

    Default Abbot Encasement Question

    I was with my static group of six people and we decided to run that Abbot to see the new changes. We solved all the puzzles, destroyed all the sarcophagi, and got ready to jump back to the platform to attack the abbot. We all zoned back to the abbot at roughly the same time and were all immediately encased in the same spot and subsequently killed.

    I know if you are able to go through the puzzles quickly enough, you can get back to the platform before the abbot comes down. The problem is that our tile runners take quite a while to solve their puzzle. How do you prevent the abbot from encasing the hole party in one swoop? Do you zone down at different times? Do you need to solve all puzzles before the abbot comes down? Or was our experience just an anomoly?


  2. #2
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Send one person down; that person says what the first special is, rest of the party comes

    if there is an encasement on the teleport point, future teleport people will land on top of it, not inside it

    its also important to do this in case the first attack is inferno; if it is, you will not have time for the party to react and make an island, so sending someone down to inform the party that the first attack is -not- inferno is critical, or you will party wipe

    following as soon as they see what special he did is advised; he uses one every 20 seconds or so, so you don't have a whole lot of time for everyone to load in and get into position for the raid (wand person in place, firewalsl out to kill the trash mobs, etc)

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Junts' advice is spot-on. Follow it and you will do well.

    I gotta say, I think they did a great job on the Abbot revamp. The crew I run with has been hitting it hard, bringing 2-4 puggers each run. Right now, we're up to 8 1st-attempt fully legit completions in a row (form a group, go in, complete - no failing/reforming). But getting to this point wasn't easy, it took quite a bit of tooling around in there to get to this point.

    That seems to be the right challenge level for a game's "not everyone will be able to complete" raid.

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