I did not see anyone mentioning it, and have already bug-reported the problem, but I would like someone to confirm what I noticed about Acid Blast, the new 3rd-level arcane spell - essentially just an Acid version of Fireball.
It seems that the projectile can detonate on graphical boundaries that should be pass-through! I had a hell of a time trying to use the spell effectively, it seemed that it constantly "missed", not causing damage nor saves by the enemies. A little investigation I ended up reproducing it by casting a Glitterdust or Hypnotic Pattern - both of which create graphical semispheres - and casting the spell at an opponent inside of it. The blast actually happens on the surface of the sphere, at the graphical boundary. Other things that seem to affect it are e.g. Web, weapons like the hobgoblin pikes and the various not-exact clippings of dungeon walls.
Anyone see the same, or am I completely wrong? Levels 6-8 on my Sorcerer were not fun after taking this spell.