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This is an old suggestion, but better late than never, especially currently that a lot of new players are arriving and being disappointed after unlocking Drow. The Drow race has little in terms of attractive enhancements. All they have going for them in that regard is melee damage and will saves. Most other races got improved enhancements in the last module or two.
Below are fixes to some outstanding problems. The Drow weapon enhancements are out of line with the dwarf ones, and their SR enhancements fail to capture the feel of the D&D class or be a meaningful part of DDO character building. The first few changes are more important than the later ones, which are a bit jokey.
Drow Melee Attack and Ranged Attack enhancements are merged into Drow Weapon Attack, for no additional AP cost.
Drow Melee Damage and Ranged Damage enhancements are merged into Drow Weapon Damage, for no additional AP cost.
Drow SR 1, level 2, 1 AP
You have SR 14, or level + 5, whichever is better.
Drow SR 2, level 6, 2 AP
You have SR 16, or level + 7, whichever is better.
Drow SR 3, level 10, 3 AP
You have SR level + 9.
Drow SR 4, level 14, 4 AP
You have SR level + 11.
White Scorpion Strike, level 4, req Drow Monk, 1 AP
Your unarmed attacks are ghost touch.
White Scorpion Strike 2, level 9, req White Scorpion Strike, 2 AP
Your unarmed attacks are lesser undeadbane.
That feature for Drow monks was lifted directly from the D&D rulebooks
Drow Hardy Rage 1, level 3, req Rage, 1 AP
While raging you have +1 constitution.
Drow Hardy Rage 2, level 6, req Rage, 2 AP
While raging you have +2 constitution.
Yes, in Eberron the Drow culture is defined as Barbarian-dominated. What a surprise, huh?? That small change makes that class/race combo a little more viable. Yes, I know people don't like it.