
Lately I spend a lot of time in DDO and would like to start a team of new players that match my game times in order to run quests and level together. I’m interested in teaming with new players who have not explored beyond Korthos (the starter area), so that we can experience and discover the unexplored together. In order to find the right group I’m posting here the details of what I aim to do and what is required for this team.

About Me:

I’m a homecare provider with a lot of downtime during the day. My duties start at 6am and by 8am I’m done, then is kill time until 12noon for lunch, and by 1pm I’m free again until 6pm. This is basically my day scheduled and as you can see I have lots of free time. My time zone is EST (GMT-5).

What I’m looking for:

I’d like to use DDO during my downtime and want to start a steady team of players that have similar free time periods to run quests with from Monday to Friday.

• Basically anyone from any part of the world that is free during my downtime can join this team; you don’t necessarily need to be of EST zone.
o Downtime Scheduled:
~8:00am-12:00noon (EST)
~1:00pm-6:00pm (EST)
• You must be new to DDO, FREE accounts even better. The reason I say FREE accounts are better is because this will fish-out those who can do every quest with their eyes closed and tend to rush through them for the sake of XP/Favor or spoiled the quest by revealing its secrets and surprises.
• You must be willing to start a new character on the server we (the team) choose to play in.
• You must be willing to select a class that compliments the team. So if we have two clerics in team, we don’t need another, if we have two rogues, we don’t need another, etc.
• Multi class characters are acceptable as long as you know how to use your character to the best of their ability.
• You must be over 21.
• You should be of the mind set that isn’t easily upset if there is a team wipe and be able to learn from the experience and do the quest again.
• Know how to play your primary class; if you are a cleric the team relies on you to heal team and not act as a tank. If you are a Wiz or Sor the team relies on you for agro control and not for you to act as a tank. If you are a tank the team relies on you to keep agro centered on you and away from the mags. If you are a rogue the team relies on you to scout ahead and warn team of traps and agro.
• Roleplayers are welcome. I like to roleplay my self and so if the team roleplays together that would be awesome but it isn’t required. However do keep in mind that if someone roleplays you respect them.
• You must have a working mic. I’ve noticed that not many ppl use the mics and that is fine, but I find it more helpful to say trap on mic than type it on the chat channel, by then is usually to late. LOL
• Be willing to help the team and share reward: for example – if you don’t need an item ask if someone else in team wants it. Like scrolls, give them to the wiz so he can learn the spells, or if you are a cleric and get thief tools give them to the rogue, or if you pull something you already have share it with someone who doesn’t have it, etc. This will help everyone as we level.
• Be patient – sometimes it takes a few minutes for everyone to get ready before we can start a quest, and usually after a quest repairs and inventory space is necessary, as well as level training, all of which takes time in between quests.

The Rules:
1. You must be 21 or older.
2. Respect each other.
3. Act maturely.
4. Be patient.
5. Have fun.

Who is perfect for this team?

I think the perfect candidates for this team are those of us who are retired, housewives, and anyone who matches the requirements and accepts the rules.

How to join:

Complete the application inside the quote box. Choose which team you want to join. You can join both teams if you like.
Quote Originally Posted by application
Team-2 (1:00pm – 6:00pm):
Forum Name:
Primary class you want to play:
Secondary class you want to play:
Account status:
Time zone:
Here is a list of Helpful guides/links that I’ve read and can benefit this team if you read them:
A New Players Guide to getting ahead in Stormreach.
How I Build My Toons.
DDO Wiki/Newbie Guide
DDO Crafting
Templates for New Players.