Hi people, i'm here again to tell you what i've done so far.
I already tried every driver i could find for cmi9761 chipset,and i have to admit some of those solved my problems with stuttering while streaming videos online,but none of those solved my problem with the game.
Out of desperation i even tried audio drivers for VIA 8237R,but it obviously didnt work.
I started to think it's not even a driver fault probably,as Impaqt suggested.
It's highly possible it can be a bad chip on my motherboard,cause i found another person with my same mb and he didnt have my issues..
Finally i did what you told me in the beginning,i went to my father house and stole his sound card xD
It's very old ( an avance als4000 -.- ) but it did what i needed.I can finally play with sound enabled,and enjoy this great game!
Now my next problem will be to plan how and when i'll go multiclass with my cleric (probably just 1 fighter lvl or something like that,nothing too strange),but that's another story
Thank you for taking the time to read my rants and give me your help,it's very appreciated.
See ya in game (and hopefully hear ya too lol )