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Thread: Weapon Choices!

  1. #1
    Community Member Dannos's Avatar
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    Default Weapon Choices!

    I am currently in possession of 4 different swords. I wish to narrow this down to two. If you don't mind, help me decide which to sell and which to keep! Lvl 8 Chaotic Good Elf TW fighter.

    +2 Keen bastard sword of Pure Good [ min lvl 6 "base damage rating = 9.00"]
    (I have the expanded critical feat so keen is non important)

    +3 Crippling bastard sword of Pure Good [ min lvl 8 "base damage rating = 9.35" ]

    +2 True Chaos bastard sword of Pure Good [ min lvl 6 "base damage rating = 8.25" ]
    (I am chaotic good aligned, so this is pretty good I think.)

    +1 Anarchic bastard sword of Maiming [ min lvl 6 "base damage rating = 7.15" ]

    I'm thinking the two chaotic aligned ones (last two) are best all round, but what would you recommend? I think the added damage from the enhancements outweighs the first two sword's advantage in base damage.


  2. #2
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    For now those two arent bad but you should soon fine some better weapons like bursting and will forget all about these swords. There are chaotic foes that those wont be doing extra damage to, the pure good one is your best bet, but be aware there is a quest or two that one wont do extra damage in either.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
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    I'd get rid of the keen weapon. You are lvl 8 which means at next level up you should take improved critical feat if you havent already (and you should ASAP). Since keen and improved Crit dont stack, there is little need to keep the keen.

    I'd agree with the first poster that your best bet is to get a burst weapon, however since that isnt a choice Id get rid of the sword of maiming as its the lowest base damage. That leaves you with the Chaos and Crippling weapons.

    Just an opinion though...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dannos View Post
    I am currently in possession of 4 different swords. I wish to narrow this down to two. If you don't mind, help me decide which to sell and which to keep! Lvl 8 Chaotic Good Elf TW fighter.
    For an elf, any of the following weapons would be more damaging than a Bastard Sword:
    Heavy Pick
    Light Pick

    As you advance, you'd do well to change to a different basic weapon choice.

    PS. It was a mistake for the devs to add the "Base Damage Rating" number to item windows, because it is a misleading quantity which rarely correctly indicates which weapon is more powerful.

  5. #5
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    I would keep the middle two. The keen one is just garbage since a feat can make them all keen and the last one isnt as versatile as your third choice and it will get better overall damage.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy

  6. #6
    Community Member Dannos's Avatar
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    As I wrote, I have the double crit range feat. I'm now currently trying to sell off all of the swords, will probably swap my bastard sword feat out for khopeshs or just go with longswords/rapiers. I'm playing on cannith server so burst weapons are maybe not as prevalent as other servers but I've seen a couple though.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dannos View Post
    As I wrote, I have the double crit range feat. I'm now currently trying to sell off all of the swords, will probably swap my bastard sword feat out for khopeshs or just go with longswords/rapiers. I'm playing on cannith server so burst weapons are maybe not as prevalent as other servers but I've seen a couple though.
    One thing to bear in mind as you're playing on Cannith - bastard swords may be a good short term option, particularly if you are likely to buy from the AH. They are the cheapest of the listed options, with rapiers and khopeshes the most expensive.

    Scimitars may be a worthwhile alternative if you respec your enhancements, and damage wise they are not too far off khopesh for an elf (and they would save you a feat). Personally, I would go for either scimitar or khopesh on an elf depending on whether I had a spare feat. However, as its unusual to have a spare feat kicking around, scimitar can often be the most practical option.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  8. #8
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ephemeral View Post
    Scimitars may be a worthwhile alternative if you respec your enhancements, and damage wise they are not too far off khopesh for an elf (and they would save you a feat).
    If you are staying pure fighter, go for the big guns and don't worry about spending a feat on Khopesh. Eventually you will craft Greensteel khopeshes, so the auction house prices won't matter, and the slight increase in DPS will.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post
    If you are staying pure fighter, go for the big guns and don't worry about spending a feat on Khopesh. Eventually you will craft Greensteel khopeshes, so the auction house prices won't matter, and the slight increase in DPS will.
    Agreed, but feats and enhancements can be respec'd, and greensteel khopeshes take time to create. End-game your advice is correct, but it'd be a pain to level up without access to decent weaponry.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

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