Can be WF. Send me a pm or post here.
Can be WF. Send me a pm or post here.
I have a +2 Seeker +3 Greatsword of Disruption as well as +1 Ghost Touched Greatsword of Disruption and a +1 Transmuting Greatsword of Disruption (some are WF only, all no damage) I also have a +4 Cursepewing Great Ax of Greater Undead Bane but can only part with two of them. Please pick two and let me know what youare willing to trade for them. I am looking for the boots with Fire Protection dr10 with 33% Fire absorb (named)boots and Electric Haze or Boots of Innonence Helm of Freewill. I also Have a Belt of Tounge/larges/ etc also for trade. Send me a PM here or in game.
Last edited by AlphandOmega; 09-24-2009 at 07:45 AM.
Harkonin DeathBringer WF - Myhdrill SoulStealer Drow
Oh what sad times are these that passing ruffians can say "NEEEE" to old women at will. ~Robert the Shrubber