Hi all, I've been thinking about a build concept and was just wondering if it would be a) possible and b) viable.

The concept is an elven Ftr 12/Rng 6/Rog 2 Kensai/Tempest that dual wields scimitars, takes the Shadow Dragonmarks, and maxes out Hide and Move Silently.

Feats: TWF chain, Spring Attack, Power Attack, etc - the usual stuff - in addition to the dragonmark feats.

Skills: Max Hide, Move Silently, and UMD, as well as ranks in Balance, Jump, Intimidate, and Tumble.

Basically, the idea is to have solid DPS, be self-sufficient and self-healing, good at soloing, and provide other tactical options to a party with stealth abilities.

I think one of the biggest challenges for a build like this is when to take the class levels because of the skill requirements. Ideally, you want the range levels as soon as possible to get the bonus feats and Tempest but that won't leave may skill points with the later fighter levels to put into Hide and Move Silently.
